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-LGM- Rj

Banned from Seattle 13

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I got banned from seattle 13 after shooting at a guy on a bike named "Alex" who wouldn't die put 2 clips in him with confirmed hits by blood spouts.

Couple of my clan mates were banned too(we were in a vehicle when we saw him) and we tryed to take his bike

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I tried logging in to that server after hearing this, and I got kicked, and now I can't connect (kicked kicked kicked). I wasn't even online when this happened.

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Also the weapons used were a Mk 48 Mod 0 and a M4A3 CCO SD, we all had [LGM] in front of our names. Trying to get screenshots so its legit.

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So it was me and RJ in a UAZ driving down south from our camp to pick up a member of our group "Ram[p]" from Rogovo when we see some guy on a bike named "Alex". RJ jumps out to kill him with an M4A3 CCO SD and an M1911. I then start ramming into the Bike Alex is on to kind of slow him down a bit so that RJ can get a shot on him, this goes on for ~30-45 seconds until we were out of the M4A3's range. Since we were out of range I rammed him with the UAZ one more time then jumped out and started spraying him with my "MK 48 Mod 0" then I was banned from the server.

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The guy on the bike we shot at is "Alex" and after "Alex" took our UAZ a guy shot him by the name of "Schwarz" soon after "Alex" died I tried to kill "Schwarz" so he couldn't steal our car and that is when i was banned.

Video evidence there ya go.

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Rj' pid='228683' dateline='1341193551']

The guy on the bike we shot at is "Alex" and after "Alex" took our UAZ a guy shot him by the name of "Schwarz" soon after "Alex" died I tried to kill "Schwarz" so he couldn't steal our car and that is when i was banned.

Video evidence there ya go.

I dont think you understand the idea of "evidence" we accept your banned, thats wonderful. we need evidence of this "alex shooting" incident.

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Rj' pid='228683' dateline='1341193551']

The guy on the bike we shot at is "Alex" and after "Alex" took our UAZ a guy shot him by the name of "Schwarz" soon after "Alex" died I tried to kill "Schwarz" so he couldn't steal our car and that is when i was banned.

Video evidence there ya go.

I dont think you understand the idea of "evidence" we accept your banned' date=' thats wonderful. we need evidence of this "alex shooting" incident.


I don't have evidence but i have a couple of guys word that that's what happened. Plus I dont have to prove that i should be unbanned the admins have to prove why we were banned so get that info for me.


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Rj' pid='234431' dateline='1341277228']
Rj' pid='228683' dateline='1341193551']

The guy on the bike we shot at is "Alex" and after "Alex" took our UAZ a guy shot him by the name of "Schwarz" soon after "Alex" died I tried to kill "Schwarz" so he couldn't steal our car and that is when i was banned.

Video evidence there ya go.

I dont think you understand the idea of "evidence" we accept your banned' date=' thats wonderful. we need evidence of this "alex shooting" incident.


I don't have evidence but i have a couple of guys word that that's what happened. Plus I dont have to prove that i should be unbanned the admins have to prove why we were banned so get that info for me.


A couple of guys 'word' isn't anything. We don't have evidence so nothing can happen.

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Ya, what the hell Jaxx2009? These guys didn't ban Alex... They WERE banned as an outcome of this incident.

The burden of proof should fall on the server admin, not on the banned player and his buddies, who had no reason to be 'collecting evidence' at the time of the incident.

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I just had a run in with Alex, and Deagle on the same server. Basically same story, shot Alex in the head with the cz550 from 120 meters out, he fell over bleeding and stood right back up. I proceeded to shoot him in the chest after this with the 550 again he got hit and stood looking for me, allowing me to hit him for a 3rd time within a timeframe of 10 seconds. These guys are just camping heli crash sites and pulling some bullshit. ruins the fucking game.

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Me and two friends had a run in with Alex as well. We ran into him, a guy named Deagle and another named Schwarz (they seemed to be friends because they were working together.) We were at a heli-crash sight north of Polana, west of Dubina mountains. I hit alex once with a FN-FAL in the chest and he didnt go down, then the friend i was with hit him in the head with a CZ-550 and he went down but didnt die nor was he hour glassed. So he took another shot at Alex with the CZ and hit him again and he didnt die. I also had 2 confirmed hits with FAL on Alex and one on Deagle. Id say we were approx. 350 meters out so we weren't to far. Anyways figured id add to what people have been experiencing. And no i do not know the Original poster of this thread.

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I watched this "Alex" guy fire off 3 rockets from the m138 in a matter of a couple seconds at me from roughly 200m yesterday, just east of Gorka near the Gas Station at that 3 way intersection. It was like coming under attack from a helicopter with a rocket pod or something, because he was shooting them off one right after the other.

Now, ive never used an m138, but i assume it takes a while to reload.

Ive seen this Alex guy several times and he plays in a bizzare fashion. I think he may be the admin as he banned me as well. at least i assume it was him just rubbing salt in my wounds after walking away with my DMR.

I see "Alex" hangout with the following on a regular basis...




The above poster is spot on. A whole lot of bullshit is getting pulled on this server.

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sounds to me that the alex guy was a admin is what im thinking


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That's impossible because rockets take up 6 slots in your inventory so he can only have 2 on him legitimately.

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Yea it isn't a big deal now weather I get unbanned now it has turned into getting the admin banned cause our tents which were pretty well hidden if I say so myself, and they were. Were raided with only 2 akm's and 2 coyote backpacks and some random ammo and stuff left behind. We had like 8 tents filled with about 15 coyote backpacks 30+ weapons and tons and tons of medical supplies, food/water, and ammo. Now I'm not sure if the admin raided our camp but who has that much space? And how did they find our camp? So I hope a people start looking into this cause Alex seems extremely shady. (Wish I had fraps up but i assumed it was a easy kill and a new vehicle)

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Honestly. Admins do not get any tools to hack. Wether or not hes an admin, it's definatly a hacker if these posts are true.

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Rj' pid='260563' dateline='1341585495']

Yea it isn't a big deal now weather I get unbanned now it has turned into getting the admin banned cause our tents which were pretty well hidden if I say so myself' date=' and they were. Were raided with only 2 akm's and 2 coyote backpacks and some random ammo and stuff left behind. We had like 8 tents filled with about 15 coyote backpacks 30+ weapons and tons and tons of medical supplies, food/water, and ammo. Now I'm not sure if the admin raided our camp but who has that much space? And how did they find our camp? So I hope a people start looking into this cause Alex seems extremely shady. (Wish I had fraps up but i assumed it was a easy kill and a new vehicle)


Well maybe he isn't an admin but he has connections to one because how are we getting banned?

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To respond further, while i understand that just having admin power does not give the user the ability to do some of the things mentioned above, i feel that the admin is in cahoots with whoever is.

I don't want to run around crying wolf, i do agree that there is a lot of fishy stuff going on. It was really only frustrating as my friends and i dedicated quite a bit of time on this server hoping to call it home base.

I really do wish i would have had fraps running during my encounters with these folk. I checked through all 400gbs of recorded gameplay on that server but none of my encounters with these guys were ever recorded. :( If i wasn't banned, id log in and just follow them around, as i know exactly where they hang out. They can be seen regularly on the highways between Polana, Gorka, and Dubrovka looking for heli crash sites. They drive around in a UAZ. They may also have some tents just northwest of Dubina Peak, in the treeline.

I hope this information is helpful.

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To respond further' date=' while i understand that just having admin power does not give the user the ability to do some of the things mentioned above, i feel that the admin is in cahoots with whoever is.

I don't want to run around crying wolf, i do agree that there is a lot of fishy stuff going on. It was really only frustrating as my friends and i dedicated quite a bit of time on this server hoping to call it home base.

I really do wish i would have had fraps running during my encounters with these folk. I checked through all 400gbs of recorded gameplay on that server but none of my encounters with these guys were ever recorded. :( If i wasn't banned, id log in and just follow them around, as i know exactly where they hang out. They can be seen regularly on the highways between Polana, Gorka, and Dubrovka looking for heli crash sites. They drive around in a UAZ. They may also have some tents just northwest of Dubina Peak, in the treeline.

I hope this information is helpful.


They stole our UAZ when Jaxx and I found him we got out to shoot him and were banned so it's not their UAZ. :dodgy:

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I saw Dove also posted. He was one of the people i was with when my experience happend. Although i only spoke of my time, i can confirm what he was saying took place. It's not so much about getting killed or losing loot, thats just dayz. Its the fact it seems very fishy/exploited.

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Ya' date=' what the hell Jaxx2009? These guys didn't ban Alex... They WERE banned as an outcome of this incident.

The burden of proof should fall on the server admin, not on the banned player and his buddies, who had no reason to be 'collecting evidence' at the time of the incident.


What are you talking about? I was banned also for shooting at Alex?! I was driving the UAZ when we saw him.

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That video shows a BattlEye ban. i may be mistaken but I think you got banned by battlEye, as in properly perma banned from EVERYTHING.... Admins cant issue thouse sort of bans, they come from the actual arma2 anti cheat people (not this mod) and can take up to 48 hour to kick in.

What have you been doing for the past two days?

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