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Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

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Sorry, but your clan shot me last night for no reason....friendly???? BULLSHIT

Were you killed? Of not it might have been a warning shot... But this is a problem that we are striving to end. Not all of our members are free of fear, and some have grown more violent in response to unknown threats after being singled out or hunted because they wear our tags. I may not have been there, but I hope you can accept my apology for their action. If you have additional information about the incident, you can PM me and I will address the matter with our NCOs

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Ready to help, I see no Chaplains in your unit... I'll look for your servers to deliver 'high-caliber inspiration', if you will, to zombies and bandits...

Edited by pale.rider

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Hey when i join teamspeak there is no one on and im in the mess hall. I have to be ranked up to go into the other channels and im just wondering what channel i need to be in to spend that one week.

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I can help you with vehicle hunting, driving and troop transportation. I also have a great interest in playing as medic. But you got so many app that I don't know if you need anybody else.

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Hey when i join teamspeak there is no one on and im in the mess hall. I have to be ranked up to go into the other channels and im just wondering what channel i need to be in to spend that one week.

You can access any DayZ channel during your preliminary week.

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I have been informed that the preliminary week program has been removed so recruitment happens much smoother now.

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i would like to join your clan. sounds like a fun mission, hope to talk to u soon. (team speak name= Dan) or

[Not Recruited] dan in your server atm

Edited by lordnewman

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Alrighty Dan, just a reminder, we use the same name on all platforms, Teamspeak, Website/Forums, and in-game.

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Thank you CQF for the good you do in Chernarus. I had the pleasure of interviewing one of your members a while back. As Demyan epitomizes the high moral code and qualities that the CQF stands for. I share with you all his interview.

Edited by Cherno Journo

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Excellent video Cherno Journo, thank you very much for posting it.

Yes minidoom, we accept all comers so long as they fit our minimal and basic criteria.

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Are the people still active? I've filed an application. Being joining the TS3 server for about a week just to see nobody there. Only once there was a guy at NW airfield channel. I had some chat with him and he was on his trial week. That's all about it.

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hey i am willing to join i tryed to find you guys on team speak

Shouldn't be too difficult. The information is listed on the Original Post, I believe. If you need some help after that, just send me a personal message or a poke, and I'll be glad to assist.

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