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Looking for clan/group of people/whatever you want to call it.

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I am pretty new to DayZ but I know what you have to do, how to survive, most of the buttons, and I am an excellent shot as I've played many computer shooting games.

Been going solo and I've been killed several times due to things like, for instance, this one guy said "I'm friendly.. don't shoot, zombie is after me". So I helped him kill the zombie, and the second we were safe, he shot me with a shotgun and I was dead right then and there and lost my sub-machine gun and everything..

Basically what I want it a group of good players to prolong my survivability, if I end up dieing to have a quick restock, and just to have fun with. Would prefer it if whoever wants me to join had TS/Mumble/Vent as I have all 3 and a mic, so yeah that's about it besides my DayZ name is Jack (as well as my real name :P).

Anyways, just reply with necessary info if your group wants me or you even want to just start a new group with me (I'm fine either way) and want to have fun.

Thanks for reading.

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Visit us over at www.totalpunishmentgaming.com, hop in ts3, and head on over to NJ3 aka US 106. Could always use more.

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Thank you. Litterly as I posted this I got killed by another human.. I'm going to find a few items and then head over there

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