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Looking To Play With Someone

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So I got the game just the other day mainly for DayZ. And i realized that this game is really difficult by yourself. Mainly if you lose blood you need a Blood bag to get it back, but then again you need another player. So If anybody want's to play sometime just add me on steam.. My ID is Dbrig, and i will be playing 24/7.. So feel free to add me anytime you want and I am on West Coast so i tend to play servers with a low ping. I don't have a mic my dog ate it (Yea I know, good excuse right?) But yea feel free to add me and i'll accept friend request and if i ask you why you added me that's mostly because of other reasons. Just say something about DayZ and i'll know.. :heart:


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Longest Time Survived: 3hr 44m

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I play on the weekends. Usually all day :D. Work all week, i deserve my weekend with this awesome game lol

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well for starters you shouldn't use blood bags, they're not worth the risk. hunting animals is a lot easier and you get 800 blood per piece of meat - cows give you 6400 health.

i'm tempted to message you...but that heart...

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If you want to join my group and I our teamspeak server is:-

we are usually on Wednesdays and Fridays between 5GMT - 9GMT and on Saturdays between 11GMT - 6GMT

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If you want to join my group and I our teamspeak server is:-

we are usually on Wednesdays and Fridays between 5GMT - 9GMT and on Saturdays between 11GMT - 6GMT

yeah i'll play day z with you lot im kinda new to this game but im not to shabby at it

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Hey (:

If u look for some teammates, you should add our Leader. We are a most friendly clan called TBB and at the moment we have more than 20 members. If you want to contact him, just add "[TBB-Lead] Terrormuecke" in steam and talk to him. They are all really nice guys! (:


Hey (:

Wenn du Teamkameraden suchst, dann solltest du unseren Anführer adden. Wir sind ein meistens freundlicher Clan, der im Moment mehr als 20 Mitglieder hat. Wenn du Lust hast, ihn zu kontaktieren, dann adde einfach mal [TBB-Lead] Terrormuecke bei Steam und rede mit ihm. Es sind alle wirklich nette Leute! (:

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Couldn't find Dbrig in Steam. Did a search and came up empty. I'm ObiWon, would love to have a battle-buddy (as we called them in the Army). I'm currently loot-cycling at a grocery store and have a good pile going. Could get you started with an Alice pack full of food and drinks, plus a weapon or two and most of the utility belt accessories if you can make it to me. Will tell you which server once you contact me.

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