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Banned for useing side chat La4 admin abuse.

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Date/Time:june 30 5pm

What happened: people on voice chat

Where you were: up north

What you were doing: walking to my car

*Current installed version: newest

*Server(s) you were on: la4

*Your system specs:6xmad@4ghz 2x5870s

many people where useing voice chat on the server then a user told them he will get a admin to bann us for spamming but i only said 2 things i was not spamming. The user spamming music was not kicked or the other 5 users that had used voice chat. i.e. spamming music.

I was the only member kicked and the admin told me to find a new server.

I feel this is admins abuse for making up there own servers and threating users with a ban if they use the mic. This is also the only server i have seen shut down for the night time?

How can a server run with its own rule list?:huh:

O yeah i just got kicked by the admin as i told them to go to the forums and some1 else was playing musci over side chat. This is admins abuse at its lowest. Making up server rules for one user as i tap my mic no sound comes out and i get kicked.

arma2oa 2012-06-30 17-07-22-36.jpg

arma2oa 2012-06-30 17-13-53-28.jpgarma2oa 2012-06-30 17-13-55-63.jpg

More proof of admin abuse.

And now hes kicking me before i join the servre what kind of abuse it this?

arma2oa 2012-06-30 17-18-07-77.jpg

Another user banned for useing the mic. And still other users use the mic with no bann. plz black list this server this is a joke that you let admins do this.


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Unless you can provide further details on ban appeal('s) I ask that people do not post at all. Or atleast remain civil.

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You were given multiple warnings before ultimately being banned it seems. Using voice when in side channel is quite annoying, since everyone is forced to hear it or must go out of their way to avoid doing so. You won't find much sympathy here for what you did, and I would be disappointed if this really is counted as admin abuse, because it is a good reason to ban someone, even better than banning for swearing in chat since reading text is a lot less noticeable than hearing things, especially if they are disruptive. The only problem I see is that I doubt logs can detect voice chat, but perhaps they can.

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Not sure why side channel is even going however.

This is a major violation on the part of the admin for is unauthorized edits of the mission file to allow sidechat.

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Not sure why side channel is even going however.

This is a major violation on the part of the admin for is unauthorized edits of the mission file to allow sidechat.

You're jumping to conclusions on the mission editing. There's a bug in beta patch versions prior to 94209 that allows people to use side chat.

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