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Mature gamer here looking for server and hopefully a good group to play with

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I'm fairly new to DayZ, have only been playing for a few days now. I did play a couple years back with a friend on DayZ+ but he ditched me for my newbiness (he wouldn't teach me anything) and I gave up playing after a couple hours. I have been playing on a server that I sporadically chose just to try out the game, but I don't really like the other players on the server although I did make a couple friends who showed me a lot and I did get into some fun PVP encounters. The combination of "children" and high pings (I'm in the US, mountain time, and it's a UK server) kind of kills the server for me.


So I'm making this post so that hopefully I can find a fun server to play in. I only ask that the people be mostly mature. I don't want this to be misconstrued as me not liking fart jokes and cursing. It's the incessant e-peen battles and crying that I can't stand. I like PVP/PVE equally as long as the PKers aren't pricks about it. I like challenges, so a server with skilled bandits/heroes would be great. I'm a fast learner and already fairly good at PVP so don't worry about me holding you back.


I would also really like to join a group or clan in that server if possible. I'm over 20 years old (ask me privately if you would like to know my age, but I don't think it should matter), married, no kids, ex-military (I've been out for almost a year), and currently a full-time student (engineering). I have mic and a setup that runs DayZ vanilla at about 40ish FPS at max settings.




Please reply with any suggestions for a server or if you have any questions for me about clan/group recruiting. I will continue searching through the forums until I can find one. Thanks in advance :)

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