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Chainsaw Squirrel PVP Overpoch NAPF, Jets, Tanks, Coins, Roaming AI

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Server is no longer Epoch / Overpoch  Arma 2.. is now Arma 3 Bornholm PVP, Roaming AI in vehicles, Heli etc , Missions, High Loot
You Need Epoch and Bornholm 1.4 .. can get both and launch game from a3launcher.com

see web site chainsawsquirrel.com

Edited by geekin

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Chainsaw, I played on your site fine for a few resets.

Then a server reset happened while i was looting a body.

Now i can't get in.

could you kill me or delete me or something in case this is the problem.



I was logged in as BILL, but now arma2 calls me ANIMAL

I have deleted RPT files, no help

Deleted all of arma2, then reinstalled, no help.

I am stuck hearing sounds, seeing your splash screen, and a 2 in bottom right.

I can walk and hear water splashing.


I love your server and would love to make it my new home.  

Any help would be very appreciated.

Thanks, Bill. 


Also, how do i register to your site?

I see login options but no register.


My email is [email protected]

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