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In Need of Companions

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Just very recently bought Arma2 in order to play DayZ and after figuring out the basics I feel I'm finally ready to burden and be burdened by one, two, hell any number of people that are willing to put up with me. My Steam ID is "Killlg" and I prefer to use steam-chat for communication. Drop me a line here or on steam and we can get in a chat and figure out where/how we'll meet up.

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I am willing to join if my time zone is appropriate for you guys. I am currently in Japan so GTM +8/9. Also add me on steam vadimec385 for those who are in similar time zone.

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I would like to group with you guys if you got together. grogbro is my steam name, or grogbro@yahoo.com I am east coast, US, but I will play anywhere.

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I'm willing to join as long as the time zones are right. I live in Greece so I should be GMT+3

Add me on steam if you're on EU: alex722

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