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Lumber Role-Play Community(Factions,Admin missions,Little scripts for better FPS)

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Contact info:Skype-baqn1234(i dont use it much)

Steam-OHMyDuck: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198161631207/

Lumber Role-Play is the right place if you love to role-play(new comers to RP are welcome too) without Whitelists,age restrictions,or crappy community.

Features:Low car number for real role-play expirience.You will be forced to take care of your vehicle.
Low loot ammount, this way you need to save every can of food you can (ammo or items count too)
Admin missions:Admin missions for real tactical players:
Admin Convoy:Plant charges,hide in the bushes,assault the convoy or choose your own aproach.Convoys usually bring food/drinks/ammo.
Supply Drops:Supply drops insure that no one is left to zero loot,factions/survivors can make fire fights for the drops or negotiate for them.
Base attacks:Factions can attack the base of a diffrent factions.Taking the factions resources or destroying the base.
Increase of zombies:Zombies walk slowly but deadly,this forces team work.

No Kill on Sight-Killing on sight is forbidden.Gear of Players who kill on sight will be removed/or they will be killed.
Stay in character-Stay in character when meeting with other survivours or talking to the people from your faction.
Use //NO-RP when talking in side chat out of character
Taking Hostages:Taking hostages is allowed/even strongly encouraged.Keep your hostage alive at all costs.
Always make contact before engaging.


Mercenary-Survivours/factions can pay them to run missions as the mercenaries have better gear,payments arnt expensive(a few cans of food or ammo).
Reqruitment:Only 4 members are accepted into the group.To enroll contact LumberDude(the leader) or come to our TeamSpeak.
Gear:The mercenary has tactical set of gear but the members are free to pick up weapons as they go.

Bandits:Bandits can raid bases,steal and kill(KoS rule goes the same for them)
Reqruitment:The number of members is unspecified yet.To enroll contact any Admin in-game or come to our Team Speak.
WARNING:A leader is currently searched for the bandit faction.
Gear:The bandits have an assault(more explosive) set of gear but are free to pick up guns as they go.

UN Soldiers-The UN Soldiers help the people of the island by doing supply drops,freeing hostages and fighting the infection and bandits.


The server is currently dedicated but its ran on a strong machine with 150 mpbs internet.

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