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V3S Benches

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Would you like benches and maybe some storage space on the V3S? There is a feedback report here you can vote up.



I guess there is a plan for implementing this, but it should be sooner rather then later as many of us play in friends groups of 3 or more players and it only got 2 seats.

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I personally would like them to be craftable, i.e. one could assemble wood and attatch it to the rear of the V3S to create a bench.

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I personally would like them to be craftable, i.e. one could assemble wood and attatch it to the rear of the V3S to create a bench.

Yes please not just another "loot item"!

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When you say "benches" are you referring to the V3S's tractor right?



According to the latest Status Report,they are waiting for vehicle inventory support.



In addition to these, once vehicle inventory support makes its way to stable branch we will begin to be able to see multiple configurations of the V3S, and their potential cargo spawning across Chernarus. Pair these changes with the ever changing face of Chernarus and the experience that is DayZ, and I see 2015 being an exciting year that I cannot wait to share with you all.

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