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★ 75th Ranger Regiment Recruiting ★

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The 75th Ranger Regiment is a group of loyal comrades who work together to hunt and kill those who harm the innocent.

There are three types of people: sheep, wolves, and sheep dogs.
We are the sheep dogs. The wolves prey on the weak. We are the strong who must protect the weak.

DayZ is not about the loot; it is about being a man. A man does not pick fights with weaklings. A man protects the weak. Loot is no longer of value to you. Once you fight against the wolves, loot will flow into your pockets without effort.

There is a day in each man's life when he realizes what is worth fighting for. Today is that day for you. Fight for the freedom of those who cannot fight for themselves.

TO APPLY leave a comment below and add me on steam. (http://steamcommunity.com/id/woodchuck5562/)

Homecity, Kamyshovo
Identification, UN Beret
Events, Friday Saturday Sunday EST
Teamspeak, 327thsog.teamspeak3.com:6001




Edited by Dillpickle

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