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UK34/[TKG]Leavaris - Admin Abuse

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Hello Community,

a few minutes ago me and my friends managed to repair a truck on the DayZ - UK34 server. After we drove a few meters the server was shut down. Then after it was up again, we tryed to drive away another time and someone shot at us. After some seconds the server was shut down again. And yet again we tryed to get that truck. After a little camping we managed to hit the player which shot at us first. It was "[TKG]Leavaris", the server admin. After he was dead the server was shut down again.IMO that was a clear case of admin abuse.

I hope [TKG]Leavaris gets what he deserves!

Kindly, HotDog44

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Alright first of all TKG is still new to DayZ, however we have read the server rules and obey them strictly.

I spent the last 2 days repairing that truck, which i was just applying the last whee to when i was shot at. I immediately ran behind the building and up the hill into the treeline, within 5 minutes I spotted you across the road looking for me, mind you i didnt know there was 2 of you. I do not have a long range weapon so couldn't take the shot. watching you through the binocs i then received a red link and ultimately a disconnect. At this point it would log me into lobby but not the game. after 10 minutes of not beable to get in, and the server population down to less than 20 (its a 40 slot server thats always full) i loged into the CP and clicked restart. I then went for lunch (BBQ its canada day :D ) when i came back 20-30 minutes later i loged in (after spaming connect as its full like usual) i added the last tire, hoped in the truck, and drove away.

You had plenty of time to take the truck.

The server was not restarted due to you, get over yourself

I was NOT killed, or even hit. the only shot that came close was the original bullet at the start which hit the truck above my prone.

Just because its a TKGaming server, just because i wear my tag proudly doesnt mean were cheaters. We have had people in our community suggest things such as passwording/locking ect which i chewed them out for as i know the severity of the server rules and agree with them.

Cry wolf much? Its people like you who make it had for server owners to maintain a server. Yes theres cheaters out there, yes theres server owners who cheat, but for owners to shell out 40-60$ a month or more for a server, and WILLINGLY not use kick/ban (and other) features to help the dayz community grow and support it, then some cry baby comes along and crys wolf.

get over yourself, and go find a server you can enjoy yourself on. I wish i could remove you from our server, unfortunately I cannot. however beware of my cross hair.

and for the record im not the server owner. altho he and I are the only 2 with admin access.

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Indeed this is useless like alot of other posts , without proof. I dont find it nice for the admin to insult them

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Both of you don't have any proof of each others stories so both are kinda invalid but I been screwed over by an admin before

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"K guys one sec gota screenshot and video record my BBQ" like seriously dude. im not the one with accusations here, he is. and frankly you cant prove what didnt happen.

Im not sayin there arnt POS server admin out there, but I for one and TKGaming, is not one, we pay out of pocket to provide a fun server to play on. We got tired of serve hoping to find a server we all liked only to have it go outdated, or worse, shit like these accusations, from happening, so we purchased the server. If your the type (and not you directly, anyone) to scream and cry like a 3 year old because you dies in an ALPHA game and have the balls to call foul, back your accusations with proof. I for one am not worried in the slightest because one cannot prove what didnt happen.

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Threads like this are useless.

More important things to worry about like hackers killing the mod.

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