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Dead Cell Gaming Servers DayZ A2 | Militarized | High Loot | Single Currency | Banks | Group Management | Earplugs | LOTS LOTS MORE!

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Teamspeak @ TS.DeadCell.US
DayZLauncher - Mods Required for the server are DayZ Epoch and Overwatch 0.2.5
Overpoch Chernarus @

Server Features:


• Custom Anti-hack
• Instant Respawn
• 24/7 Day
• Enhanced Spawn Selection
• Group Management
• Plot Management
• Door Management (Eye Scan)
• Advanced Trading
• Custom Loadouts (Based on humanity)
• Ear Plugs
• Locate vehicle with GPS
• Custom Missions.
• Custom Airfield edits
• Custom South Side Trader located in Chernogorsk
• Roaming Trader that spawns in a new location every restart
• Single currency (Cash Money)
• Global Banks/ATM's
• Fast Trading
• God Mode, Anti BP, Zombie Shield & disabled guns in trader cities
• Self Blood Bag
• Deploy/Repack Bike, ATV/Dirtbike/SUV & KA137
• Auto Refuel/Rearm/Repair @ trader heli pads & gas stations
• Logistic Tow & Lift.
• Right click Binocular/Rangefinder view distance modifier
• Snap Build Pro
• Build Vector
• Plot management
• Indestructible Cinder and Metal
• 1 Step Build
• No Weight
• Locked vehicles have God Mode inside 50m plot pole radius
• Custom abandon safe mission
• Impound lot for abandon vehicles in safezones
• Custom humanity system
• Six month wipes
• Much much more
Player Reward System
• Most Wanted: Is rewarded to the biggest bandit on the server.

On the 1st of each calendar month we will contact the player with the most negative humanity change from the previous month. This player get to create there very own custom loadout for the month. Choice of weapons and skins.

For more info click HERE

Players that play over 55 hours on the 15th and 120 hours on the 1st of each month on the server get access to CAMP VIP. Camp VIP has all traders minus hero/bandit/black market traders and everything is 20% off. You can buy half cinder walls, cinder door/garage doors and metal panels, this lets you skip a full step when trying to build a base. Roaming trader is here also but static and sells the best stuff on the server at 20% discount.
For more info click HERE

What you get from us:
Dead Cell Gaming hosts one DayZ mod server. Our server has fully customized AI missions and scripts. Our script writers are very skilled and have been on our staff for over 3 years. We have experience with just about every possible map/mod/script and work around the clock to be sure everyone has the best experience on all our servers. Our admin team is active, they do not play on the server and will respond to issues promptly once contacted in team speak. 


What we want from you:
All we want is that you get a exciting experience in our server. Whether it is infantry combat, dog fights or base building - We have something for everyone. As a player we suggest you have a look at our rules located on our site. We also encourage you join our team speak to further your experience when playing on our server.
Important Notes:
• Two hour restarts.
• Strict base maintain set at 8 days. For more info click HERE
• Decayed Safe Mission: The safe will get permanently unlocked if untouched/unused for 8 days. Our script will pick a permanently unlocked safe at random, teleport it from the base to a random location, place some cover objects around it and place a marker on it. Then let everyone know about it.
• Strict vehicle cleanup. For more info click HERE
• DeadCell servers are protected by a custom written anti-hack and battle-eye filters. This means our servers are 99% free of hackers.
By joining the server you have read and understand the full rule set located on our website. CLICK HERE
We hope you enjoy playing on our servers!!!
Our dedicated box specs
• CPU: Intel Xeon E5-1650v3 6c/12t 3.9GHz (OC)
• RAM: 128Gb DDR4 ECC 2133 Mhz
• SSD#1: 480GB for OS/Storage
• SSD#2: 480GB for servers
• OS: Windows Server 2012 R2
• Connection: 1 GBit/s (1000 Mbit)
• Location: (Canada) Beauharnois, Quebec


Edited by syco-gc-

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To ensure we maintain our high standard of FPS we have upgraded the server again to a larger processor with much more RAM and that extra RAM has been allocated to vital points of the server. The database has received a sizable boost to name just one. i shall post a new server stats image soon.

In conjunction with this we have activated a 21 day maintain system for bases. This takes some pressure off the admins on tracking what bases remain idle and what bases are currently active.


So if and when you play on the server remember too

-Start up vehicles at least once within every 7 days or the clean up script will remove them

-Open you safes once within 14 days to prevent them from resetting and being displayed on the map

-Maintain your base once within a 3 week period to prevent it from decaying and eventually disappearing


We hope our regulars can understand this change and more so that it does not discourage new players from experiencing all our server has to offer.


Obtaining gold on the server has never been a issue.. however..

As the requirement for gold is now more of a necessity the ability to obtain gold has been improved.

This has been done by:

-Fine tuning the loot which appears in mission boxes and on AI to make them more rewarding.

-Simultaneously we have ever so slightly decreased the spotting distance of AI on the Hard and Extreme mission types.

-Turning up the amount of mining veins which appear on the map per restart. ( All gems still trade for 2 briefs however the ability to find these mine veins has been greatly improved )

-New AI free missions are currently in being examined on the test server and will soon be pushed to the stable server. These missions will be color coded.

Red shall contain weapons such as one or two high caliber guns (AS50,cheytac,M107) some medium class weapons (Lapua,MSR, etc) and some basic weapons (DMR,SR25,M110)

Green shall contain building supplies such as mortar, cinder, tank traps, sandbags etc

Yellow shall contain gold and some miscellaneous  items of decent value

Purple shall contain med supplies, food, water, skins and other miscellaneous items


This should allow our players to accumulate resources and wealth with more ease ( and also create some great PVP scenarios)


So although the requirement for gold has been amp'd up.. so too has the ability to obtain it. :D

Edited by Pegasus177

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New Load outs have been added to the donator list they are some 7.62 weapons but no snipers. Only the weapons listed are available but you may ask for something of equal caliber and class.

To counter this players now spawn with a primary weapon.For the moment it is a KAR 98 but it is being experimented with and may be changed to the Lee Enfield soon.


The non AI missions have been added and have created some stunning PVP battles already.


The 3 hours restarts have been reduced to 2 hours for the time being to combat a issue with certain players not receiving there load outs when the player count is near full. This is just to test if it prevents the error from happening.and may be changed back soon.


We currently have some polls running on the website. They are to do with making bases indestructible and certain new vehicles being added to the trader.


Server is receiving a large mission file clean up too and should drastically improve performance even further.


As always guys join the TS if you need help with anything ;)

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The new DayZ Launcher update had been causing issues for certain players where they are receiving a error similar to

Dayz /addons/int.sqf not found

If you are having this issue please join the TS and a member of staff will help you get back in the server. If you have not already downloaded the update we recommend you stay on the older version for now as it still allows you to access the server without issues.

Some of the rules on the website have been amended last month yet some players are not familiar with the change in rules. Please familiarise yourself with the rules of the server as the motto surrounding them is

"Not knowing the rules is not a excuse for not following them"

Select spawn and 3 hour restarts will be re introduced soon,.. They were temporarily removed to fix a bug with custom loadouts.

Again should you have any issues join the Teamspeak :)

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New server TeamSpeak guys. if you and your group want a private channel please contact a admin!

Banner Teamspeak Is old and remains wrong...

Will correct banner very soon!

Edited by Pegasus177

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Team Speak IP on banner is now correct guys.

Lootable mass graves have been added.

Roaming AI patrol now added if you have a radio in your inventory you will receive updates on their location and destination.

Now go intercept them!!! :)

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Currently a poll on the website for a new vehicle so stop by and cast your vote.


Also remember that if you register on the website and make it known to a admin you get a free brief of gold. 

I suggest making your way to Stary trader.

Tab out and sign up then tell a admin and you will be able to get a safe straight away :)

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Remember guys boxes for groups so come check out the server and if you like what you see bring your friends to get that building box and get started on the right foot.

Also to our regulars we have a new TeamSpeak.. If you got on the old one and noticed it's empty then now you know why :)

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Remember that the rules on the Server start up image.. or Splash Screen are not all the rules to the server just a basic outline. 

To get a full list of the rules please visit the website listed above.


Remember not knowing the rules is not a viable excuse for not following them

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Keep in mind guys that although this is a US server we love to see EU players join. FPS and Ping have proven good from our EU regulars and they continue to play and enjoy te server. I personally live in EU and have no issues what so ever in playing on this US server. It would be nice to see the server as full by day on GMT as it is by night on EST

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Server maxed out on player count today so we have bumped up the player slots by 5 to allow more players access. If we keep this up we will have to start a second server lol. :)

Edited by Pegasus177

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Im very happy tp say we have been maxed out on players with the last few days. Thank you to all who came to check out the server and have made it there home. :)

I am aware we are having a issue with missions not appearing when the server reaches its maximum number of players, We are looking into this and hope to have it fixed very shortly.


FINALLY the big news is the server will be merging with another server in the next 2 weeks. When that happens it will be running on a fully dedicated server box occupying its own rack space.

This means the server itself shall be upgraded and we will also be opening new servers with new maps!!!

Panthera will be a definite and others to be named in the coming weeks.

***To all our regulars do not worry nothing shall be lost the Database will be transferred onto the new servers when they are made active. So you will not lose anything***

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The merge is happening guys!!

Shattered Dreams Overpoch


USMC Panthera Epoch

Shall be merging together.

Don't worry guys both servers will remain the same.

All bases and possessions shall be brought over the exact same. Everything will carry over so no need to worry.

However both servers shall be freshly scripted meaning all features shall be reworked and fixed.

The servers will be on a fully owned and operated Dedicated server occupying it's own rack space.

Meaning more maps and servers may be added in time.

Finally the best bit of news to come from this is that a coin system shall be introduced and it shall be hived across all the servers.

This means you can carry your wealth from one server to the other :)

Edited by Pegasus177

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Waiting on Dedi to be built and activated then scripting will start. 

If you aren't sure what i mean read above

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Hyfra Helis and Igla prices have been raised for the time being. a Decision is being made on their future in the server. We are trying to find a happy medium to keep all parties happy

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New upgraded server will be live next week. stay tuned for new IP. all bases and belongings will carry over

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New server is nearly ready and will be live in the next few days.

I will update this topic on all the new features.

The new IP.. And the new name.

Also coin system is going to be in and will be hived with our new merged group gaming Corps.

Shattered Dreams and USMC Panthera

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Now you can buy mounted tripod 50 calls with locking key... and you can tow/lift them.

Making the perfect for base defense

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In the middle of switching the community name.


The panthera server has been moved to the NEW dedicated box.


Stay tooned for updates as they come.

Edited by SyCo

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Will update the topic with new name and features along with banner soon currently away with work

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