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Today 3 of us get Killt without a hit near Airfield (NW) death with 12k Blood,... just wondering,...all 3 just died immidialty -_-

Is it possible for an Admin to just kill people like that? >_>

I mean, yes it is,...but,...

Edit: Just hacker -_- sorry

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3 guy with a sniper? 1 sek. 3 Players death without a hit?

or just a hacker,..mh,...

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okay , here are some informations about what happenend , me and too friends were wandering through a field in front of the NW Airfield at night , suddenly we heard shots , 2 of us start running and strafing to the next forest , the other was stagediving to the ground in hope to not be seen , then my friend in front of me goes down , no blood was spilled , no hit indication , not 2 seconds later i was down , no blood , no hit , nothing ... about 3-5 seconds later the last one of us who was laying in a bush got killed , no blood , no hit ... and instant kill

1.) How did they see us ?

okay , night vision googles or one of the weopons with infra red sights could be possible

2.) There were only 2 Persons , my teammate in the grass got sight on the shooters , they were hiding on a hill on the opposite side of the airfield entrance , NOT on the Airfield (not a that good pos. to defend the airfield...


3.) After we got killed , everyone of us still got 12.000 Blood , Everytime you die , you´ll have -12.904 or something like that ... dont think many players even recognize this

4.) After we died in a very mysterious way , we got some interesting people on the server , after some research in the internet we found an german COD-Clan , were the Clan-Leader , the Co-Leader and some Members got a 2 Years ESL-Ban ...

Here are the Names :

#uP. Dj>

#uP. Poison

#uP. SectoR

#uP. ScorpioN

And here is one of the ESL Examples :


Look at his Stats , losses or draws ... then one curious win , and a Ban ...

5.) After all of this Kyel Logen made this Post and at the Same Time one other of us rejoined the server with the name #uP. Clan are Hackers

not 15 seconds later the server was down ...

After All , I definately suspect the #uP. Clan to be hacking in DayZ

we saw only 2 Persons , the others may have been some other on the place , but one of them was in the lobby , i dont know if this got something to do with the situation ; anyway ... i guess there is something wrong !

Oh , I just saw on Steam that Scorpion got a VAC-Ban too

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