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Pustoshka Gear Giveaway!

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We've got a ton of gear (seen below) that we can't possibly use before the wipe. Mags, ammo, clothes, all kinds of stuff. We've even got a RAK and a grass-wrapped mosin. Come grab some of this stuff and use it before the wipe!


For the IP come meet us on TS @ ts.burnayariver.com:7040




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Wow man. That's an impressive haul. Lot of gear there. That MP5 (?) would be nice. 

BTW. How did you manage to get DayZ running on your 486? (showing my age) Bad joke. Don't answer.

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Wow man. That's an impressive haul. Lot of gear there. That MP5 (?) would be nice. 

BTW. How did you manage to get DayZ running on your 486? (showing my age) Bad joke. Don't answer.It

It's all so not legit, get gear on your own. Much more fun

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holy molly where did you find the most rare  weapon rak? next time you will post a screenshot with the amphibia in it xD

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My buddy Bobo found the RAK, no idea where. Some of this stuff is from dead hackers but most of it is just crap we've been collecting since the last wipe. It's still there if anybody wants to drop by TS and grab some.




Wow man. That's an impressive haul. Lot of gear there. That MP5 (?) would be nice. 

BTW. How did you manage to get DayZ running on your 486? (showing my age) Bad joke. Don't answer.



It's an 8088, actually. ;)


If you want the MP5 it's all yours. I've got a bunch of mags for it too.

Edited by albinoclock

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