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Immersive DayZ Diary.

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Hello all,

this is not just a photo or video (although those will be used later as well, because they will strengthen the story).

No, this is more like the in-game diary of a DayZ survivor. As long as my character lives I will be updating his story on a blog. I will try to let the character do a number of things in game, including joining up with a group, escaping near death situations, making sure drama get's added, etc. why is this then so different from other zombie stories? Because it's all random!

if i want something dangerous to happen in this story, then i might try to go into that military base, yet even i will not know what happen. i might try to get an easy day, yet any of you might choose that moment to rob me. whatever happens, as long as the character survives, he will documents his thoughts and actions in his diary, and will occasionally make a film about what is going on in his world. (this will be RPed)

i invite you all to read what is written, and make this story unfold together. Do you want to see this character do something, then try to convince him so in-game :)

the diary is located at: http://dayzimmersion.blogspot.nl/

(the story begins at the bottom of the page, new entries are entered on top)

good hunting everyone!

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