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Panama Jack

[HS] on Seattle 49

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Log into the middle of camp this morning and see a member of your team 5 meters in front of me checking one of our dozen tents. Had my Glock out, seriously considered firing until hearing numerous footsteps behind me. Not having time to switch to my DMR or even go third person I D/C like shit through a tin horn (I had seen 4 [HS] on the initial roster). A loading-screen freeze and Ctrl Alt Del force close later, and I moved a ways away on a different server. Lost too much time. By the time I logged back into 49 with 2 of my guys on their way, [HS] was gone and 2/3rd of our tents were flattened. The hilarity of the thing was the overall destruction around the camp, though. 25 meter swathe of felled trees laying everywhich way through the site. Our nearby mini-motorpool was cleared out too, costing us our painstakingly procured and gingerly-nursed-to-health ATV.

A few minutes later I spot a White Offroad through a gap in the canopy around a kilometer away across the valley. Right on the Western map edge. That means you lot found our pair of tents over there used by our sniper as an outlying listening post. Finding those brought accusations of map-hacking from my comrades, though I don't much care. By the time we legged it across the valley you were nowhere to be seen, be it North or South in the valley or West off-map. Though I have to wonder, can a civi offroad really knock over several dozen trees and just walk it off? Crazy stuff.

I'm always logging off in a position overwatching my tents from now on. Several good lessons learned. Enjoy the crap ton of medical supplies and the Mk. 48 you nabbed.

By no means a rage post, just a bitterly-forced hat tip to [HS].

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Not a rage post either but all I got from that is "I was in trouble and I disconnected to avoid death". As sucky as it is to be shot on log in it's even more sucky to have someone disappear when they enter your cross hairs. It likely would have killed you but I think you should have taken what shot you had and suffered the consequences of logging out on the middle of your camp and not a few hundred meters away.

I would also like to point out that using a different server to gain a tactical advantage on someone is pretty damn cheap.

I'm glad you learned your lesson though about logging in plain site especially in a tempting spot like a camp.

Stay safe,


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