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BAF textures?

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Out of curiosity, does anyone know which textures/models would benefit from the full BAF DLC if any? I bought the PMC DLC as suggested for better textures, but I am unsure if BAF improves anything in DayZ.

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As mentioned, I think it is only the PMC stuff that is being used as of this moment. Though if you ever want to play vanilla ArmA 2 OA or future-proof in case DayZ decides to use them, betting the BAF DLC is a good investment.

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Haha, thats a good name for it. That texture doesn't seem lower quality at all though. Interesting.

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I have no idea, really. It's a British weapon so I assumed that would be affected but afaik if it is from BAF that's the only thing so far. At least that I can think of

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yeah it is but I think it was for the insurgents from arrowhead.

Anyway nice name for it lol :D

I just read the Loot sheet and aparently in the downed choppers you can find L85s as well as AS50 the british one so that would require BAF for hi res textures :)

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The Lee Enfield is not from BAF. The Bonesetter class of OPFOR Militia uses it in OA.

There are zero textures from BAF from what I can tell, but it does use PMC.

BAF has a great single player campaign btw..................

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There is 1 or 2 high grade weapons I think and there is a British land rover military vehicle. That's all afaik.

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Cool, thanks guys. I wish I had just asked rather than searching for an hour, but I guess it's better than being THAT GUY who starts a new thread asking a question found on the second page of threads. Thanks again.

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Correction, there are BAF guns at least according to this (http://pastebin.com/Dn4uqYz8 no idea if it's accurate though).

Btw BAF weapons are shit, but a good number of people do appreciate the LRR.

Unless the rover is tan, then it's from ArmA II.

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