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DAYZ froggers - For people willing to play together and cooperate, even bandits.

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Dayz Froggers. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/DayzFroggers

Froggers is a DAYZ clan regrouping many people from north America.

You are welcome to join and talk in the chat room, find friends to survive, fight along side and even against each others as long as its all in good sportsmanship.

In this clan, we promote maturity and intelligent use of the tools at our disposition. We don't abuse glitches nor exploits. We fight between the bonds the game designers intended and we still overpower the greatest of enemies, thus making us stronger than our foes even with our self imposed discipline.

Fight in honor, live or die, you will prevail in this world, or the next.

If you consider yourself mature and can keep your sang-froid in stressful situation, you are welcome to this group. You can also invite other people you think will be a good addition to this group.

We are looking for people who will at least play DAYZ twice a week, participate in chats and join events once in a while.

You are free to do anything you want as long as you are not abusing the flaws of DAYZ; Which mean abusing known bugs, exploiting or hacking. Funneling zombies in a building to slow them down is perfectly acceptable but duping weapons is not.

If you want to swear, make sure others people are ''ok'' with it but do not abuse it. People constantly swearing are draining and not pleasant to play with. When you are scared or mad, its alright to swear as long as you don't ''spam''. Racism is NOT tolerated nor childish pseudo.

Always try to help others members if possible. Either ingame or out of game. We are one big familly, we must count on each others. It doesn't mean every time somebody die and respawn you have to escort them, of course you can help if you want, but this kind of thing is volontary.

We are based on TX6 for now, it is well maintained and very stable. They restart the server every eight(8) hours. Vehicules are ON, crosshair is ON, third person is ON. Nametags are OFF. Its a veteran difficulty.

We will see later when we get more people if we change server, or even perhaps make our own. That last part will depends on people generosity, either someone from our group will host it or perhaps donations, we shall see.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you will join.

PS: The same informations can be found on the steam page.

If you join, or have any question, please ask away or bump this thread. Thank you. Smile

The group just started, so dont be afraid if you see there are only a few people on right now, it will grow, but only if you participate, so join now! Big Grin

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I wish you're group good luck and the best in the future that you are a success, if you can pull it off!

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