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The Walking Dead USMC is recruiting

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I want to thank each and every one of our 1st Battalion 9th Marines members, also know as The Walking Dead USMC as well as all of the DayZ players that have frequented our server. As of today our server is 31 days old and we are extremely proud to anounce that in that short time our server has reached 45th position (98th pctile) out of all DayZ servers.

In addition, as of today our personal Website http://wdu.enjin.com/home, is coming up on 5,000 unique hits.

We are pleased to say that recruitment has been hard on the admins here. With the amount of applications that we have coming in, our game play time is severely dropping. However, to those members of WDU that have made the cut and have proven to be among the few that are qualified to join our ranks, you are making our jobs easier due to your dedication and commitment and we would not be where we are at this point without each of you.

To comemorate, the 1st Battalion 9th Marines, Walking Dead USMC is now in full recruitment status.


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