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New Players Should Watch How I Play.

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If you want to learn a lot you should watch my YouTube channel.

I talk about a lot of things, mainly giving advice and tips on how to survive.

I will show you ways to approach dangerous areas, and how to sneak properly to loot buildings.

Also, things to look for when you're entering a city or an area where players may be.

Channel is new, so give it time. I promise you'll learn a lot from watching me.

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You shouldn't advertise to new people when your character has top tier equipment.

To be honest I think that is going to turn off the people that can't even find a gun.

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Just watched the first video...I appreciate the effort and what you're trying to do (browsing DayZ videos on Youtube helped me out when I started playing) but your first video wasn't very informative.

Just constructive criticism: Re-watch your first video and ask yourself what learning points can a n00b take from it.

Also - if you're going to take the time to record and post these videos a little post-production can't hurt...nothing fancy but you could've edited the pertinent parts of that video to a little around 5 minutes...lying in the prone on the rooftop is both uninformative and will turn off other viewers. At a minimum you could've edited out everything except when you saw other survivors on the screen.

And having fired the SAW multiple times in real life 300m (or whatever range you shot those guys on the beach) is within the normal operating range of the weapon...just saying. I haven't seen the M249 yet in DayZ...was there a lot of recoil and is ammo plentiful??

Just adding my two cents


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There are two things a new player needs to know and that's it.

Patience and common sense, they don't need to watch a youtube channel for this.

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Not entirely true: the guidez channel has been most informative to a ton of people.

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Honestly the first video was just a fun intro.

I have 2 more video's I am trying to make, but my editing software isn't working...

Ep 2+ should be more helpful I promise guys.

For some reason I was able to edit both episodes without an issue, now I am having issues.

Working on getting a new editing program and then reuploading.

Be patient I promise new videos with less than top tier equipment is coming, and info with how to approach situations will be on my channel.

If it wasn't for the editing issues and me working a lot today I would have already solved the issue and had new content up.

Again, sorry but it is coming.

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I'll be getting home at 8AM EST.

Jumping on my PC and doing what I can get get content up ASAP.

Ep 3 is me traveling to Zelen and sneaking through town undetected.

Ep 4 is me going to Stary and engaging another player.

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Ep 3 part 1 finished. Part 2 processing.

Part 4 done editing and being converted to YT then being processed.

Hope me going into Zelen undetected helps you new players.

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Just uploaded Ep 5.

Ep 6 is coming tomorrow.

I have 3 days off so I'll be playing and recording for "DAYZ" lol

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Died. Episode 6 will show noobies how to get weapons, food, drink and medical in Cherno on a high pop server. :)!

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