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Overpoch | Overpoch [GMT] | ACTIVE ADMINS | [Veteran 3P:ON NT:OFF]

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Welcome to the epic server of 420





Our server has only just started but we are reaching for a great community server. We only have a few dedicated player but they seem to enjoy the server with the help of out trusty active admin team. They are here to help you with any problems you may encounter


Our server admins loves justice and will only ban/kick players with actual evidence,but our admins are recording all the time they are online. 


The server has lots of great features to make sure the players have a wonderful time.

They are server restart every 3 hours.



Self Bloodbag / Auto Refuel/Rearm/Repair / AI Missions / Supply Drops / Dance around the camp fire / Remove Clothes From Bodies / Trader Safezones / Lift & Tow / Animated Helicrashes / Custom Starting Gear / Custom Loading Screen / Snap Build.



The server is GMT and has a 24 hour day/night cycle



If you would like to have some fun (if ya know what i mean)

hop on the server and just enjoy yourself  :)


If you encounter a glitch or bug tell an admin and we will try and fix them on next restart. 


Server IP/Port:

Website: www.420Epoch.co.uk

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