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Please use another game engine :/

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DayZ is the kind of game I and many others have been waiting for, but in this game engine, it's utterly crippled.

I have a decent machine, yet I can't get any sort of reasonable graphics performance from it. Doors don't open or close properly, then suddenly open without warning. The flashlight seems to have a mind of its own, and only illuminate certin surfaces for no good reason. Zombies ignore me standing next to them, then run after me when I crawl prone many meters away... The game UI is a mess (an issue with Arma 2 so I'm told, but this game has been out for years, why hasn't this been addressed?)

It's such an anti-climax from the videos on YouTube, I've no idea how these guys get that sort of performance from this game, nor how they put up with a game. Engine so flawed it hurts.

I'm running a Xeon W3530 2.8Ghz, 8Gb RAM, AMD 5870. There is simply no good reason why I can't run this game engine from 2009 at least at resolutions of 1920x1200. Yes I've tried all the suggestions to improve performance, it's made a slight improvement, but doesn't stop most textures looking like vomit, and most buildings just being flat blocks, even if I stand next to them. Trees are all just huge cuboids until I go right up to them, and all of this just pulls you away from any sort of immersion you would expect from a game of this premise.

So please, move to another game engine. ANY other game engine! I would dearly love to play this game, but as it is, it's unplayable.


Well ok, turns out I'm a dumbass. I did leave one rather important factor out, my machine is running Windows 8 x64 Release Preview. I'd made the now glaringly obvious stupid assumption that because the issues I was seeing were the same as people in Win7, and that plenty of other games run just fine in Win 8 build 8400, then it was an ArmA problem.

Ahem. No. Sorry chaps, it does work :/

Ah the shame :/

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you know it could take years before he move it to a new game engine? (if hes not going to use arma 3 engine)

this seems like a problem only you have. I dont have the problem you said you have. you could have a major desynq problem,

are you using any free editon of arma 2 + arrowhead?

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Using arma2free with arrowhead will make everything look like shit (because you don't have the textures that come from arma2). Is this your problem?

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Nope, I have Arma2: CO from Steam. Manage it using 6, tried the various methods Google suggested to get decent performance out of it, but it's very numb-feeling. Game just feels entirely broken. :/

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Engine is not designed off this mod, but for the vast land 25x25km it is perfect. When ArmA 3 comes out it will be fully optimized and co-designed for DayZ so be patient for September :)

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His problem would be more along the lines of:

My machine is struggling to run the game well enough to enjoy it in the way other players appear able to:

Therfore my obvious conclusion is to make my second post on the official forums, Not to support the mod, Not even to ask for help with my issues. Not to file bug reports.

Instead he is here to say this sux move it to another platform, away from Arma because I am terrible and Arma hates me. Did we even mention this is MOD in Alpha state yet ?

Dude you could have simply asked for help. Many people here willing to help others get the game working if they can detail their issues well.

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this engine works for this mod but its not meant to be so much AI in it. is your computer getting enough power from your power supply?

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To be honest, I can't tell if the issues are centered around DayZ or just ArmA, I only bought this game to play DayZ, but I cannot get it working smoothly at all.

Apparently there are issues with ArmA detecting graphics cards with 1Gb+ video memory, which limits the game to 'Low' and 'Normal' graphics details, it also doesn't like machines with more than 4Gb memory, and I'm simply not willing to remove RAM to try and play a game properly!

I get nasty flashing of quite a few UI elements (though strangely not everything), which some other people have YouTubed about.

The reason I've not really submitted any bug reports, is that everything I'd complain about has already been submitted, suggestions offered, which I've tried, and it still doesn't seem to make any difference.

I apologise for my tone, it's just really quite disappointing after being really enthusiastic to play it, to then spend nearly an entire day trying to get it working properly :/

If anyone has suffered similar problems and there are actually ways to fix it, I would really appreciate some help. Sorry I came across as rude :/

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arma is the only game i ever upgraded my pc for. if you got some rig from 3-4 years ago i can understand your butthurt, but then go get some descentrig instead of whining.

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funny that you write that arma 2 doesnt like computer with graphic cards with 1gb + video memory and more then 4gb ram memory. I have 1gb video memory and 8gb ram memory and I run this game with no problems.

did you try to reinstall your game? you probably did..

can you make a video of your problem? like 10-15 seconds long with your problem?

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DayZ is the kind of game I and many others have been waiting for' date=' but in this game engine, it's utterly crippled.

I have a decent machine, yet I can't get any sort of reasonable graphics performance from it. Doors don't open or close properly, then suddenly open without warning. The flashlight seems to have a mind of its own, and only illuminate certin surfaces for no good reason. Zombies ignore me standing next to them, then run after me when I crawl prone many meters away... The game UI is a mess (an issue with Arma 2 so I'm told, but this game has been out for years, why hasn't this been addressed?)

It's such an anti-climax from the videos on YouTube, I've no idea how these guys get that sort of performance from this game, nor how they put up with a game. Engine so flawed it hurts.

I'm running a Xeon W3530 2.8Ghz, 8Gb RAM, AMD 5870. There is simply no good reason why I can't run this game engine from 2009 at least at resolutions of 1920x1200. Yes I've tried all the suggestions to improve performance, it's made a slight improvement, but doesn't stop most textures looking like vomit, and most buildings just being flat blocks, even if I stand next to them. Trees are all just huge cuboids until I go right up to them, and all of this just pulls you away from any sort of immersion you would expect from a game of this premise.

So please, move to another game engine. ANY other game engine! I would dearly love to play this game, but as it is, it's unplayable.


Yes, definitely, any other game engine would serve much better, the Build engine for example would be perfect...

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I run the game fine, but I still wish they could use the engine behind the STALKER games. It could provide the perfect atmosphere for the mod plus other things. Not sure DayZ would be possible on the X-Ray Engine, but if it was it'd be cool. Because I personally, also feel the ARMA 2 engine is complete crap. It just does some things well that fit DayZ.

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Nope' date=' I have Arma2: CO from Steam. Manage it using 6, tried the various methods Google suggested to get decent performance out of it, but it's very numb-feeling. Game just feels entirely broken. :/


Arma 2 (and hopefully Arma 3) are the only engines that can handle the DZ experience. The enormous size of the maps alone would cripple most other solutions. While it's unfortunate that you're having issues, the silent majority is loving the Arma-verse and would be devastated if it were ported to one of the countless COD or BF clone environments.

Day Z belongs in Arma. Period.

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Overclock your CPU. That is the biggest performance boost ive found. I have an i5 2500k and I OC'd it from 3.3 to 4.0 and it was a massive boost. I then overclocked to 4.7 and its smooth as butter now. Hope that helps

Nope' date=' I have Arma2: CO from Steam. Manage it using 6, tried the various methods Google suggested to get decent performance out of it, but it's very numb-feeling. Game just feels entirely broken. :/


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This is a MOD, arma2 provides modding. Most games out today, do not. If you're going to condemn this game engine and suggest Rocket move to another, perhaps you'd be so kind as to point out which mod'able game he should take it to?

There aren't many games that provide such a huge open sandbox environment for someone to build their game on top of.

Second, I had the same problem you are having. Had a 2.8ghz quad core, 8800 ultra with 768mb, etc, etc. Trying to run it on 1920x1200 made it unplayable on all settings. And who wants to run it lower than what their monitor can handle.

My fix? I built a new computer. I know that's not what you want to hear.

If you do want to build a new PC or upgrade yours, I've been told CPU is the thing to focus on for Arma. You can have the best graphics card out there, but if your CPU is holding your system back, you'll never get a good frame rate.

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I'm at a loss as to why ARMA 2 looks pants for you. I'm Running a Core 2 Quad Q6600, 8GB of DDR2 RAM and a 2GB Geforce 560Ti. Except for the Graphics card I build this PC in May 2008.

It runs ARMA 2 in 1920x1080, not on Ultra high but above normal on everything just fine.

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I'm at a loss as to why ARMA 2 looks pants for you. I'm Running a Core 2 Quad Q6600' date=' 8GB of DDR2 RAM and a 2GB Geforce 560Ti. Except for the Graphics card I build this PC in May 2008.

It runs ARMA 2 in 1920x1080, not on Ultra high but above normal on everything just fine.


Except the graphics card that was the same hardware I had prior to building the new one. Strange indeed.

What OS you running? Over clocked at all?

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You do realize that Arma 2 is made by BIS, and that happens to be employer of the mod developer. ;)

On that note:

1. They found and fixed issues within engine.

2. Rocket has knowledge and ability to work around the engine restrictions

3. Please tell me the name of the engine you think can handle 225km squared territory, while allowing you to walk/drive/fly, and at the same time has ability to support AI of more than 700 zombies at once.... and just insane amounts of items to continuously track....

Somehow I doubt you'll be able to find anything even remotely close.

It does have very heavy CPU hit, believe me, I share your pain. I have 2 generations old extreme edition CPU, 24gb of RAM, two sli'd 480 video cards, able to run most recent games at over 120fps, and yet at times have DayZ frames drop from 68 down to 9.

What was my solution? I spent some time to find good settings, and now play with Fraps, and when I see frames drop under 20 I restart.

If you want pm me, ill send you my settings.

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DayZ is the kind of game I and many others have been waiting for' date=' but in this game engine, it's utterly crippled.

I have a decent machine, yet I can't get any sort of reasonable graphics performance from it. Doors don't open or close properly, then suddenly open without warning. The flashlight seems to have a mind of its own, and only illuminate certin surfaces for no good reason. Zombies ignore me standing next to them, then run after me when I crawl prone many meters away... The game UI is a mess (an issue with Arma 2 so I'm told, but this game has been out for years, why hasn't this been addressed?)

It's such an anti-climax from the videos on YouTube, I've no idea how these guys get that sort of performance from this game, nor how they put up with a game. Engine so flawed it hurts.

I'm running a Xeon W3530 2.8Ghz, 8Gb RAM, AMD 5870. There is simply no good reason why I can't run this game engine from 2009 at least at resolutions of 1920x1200. Yes I've tried all the suggestions to improve performance, it's made a slight improvement, but doesn't stop most textures looking like vomit, and most buildings just being flat blocks, even if I stand next to them. Trees are all just huge cuboids until I go right up to them, and all of this just pulls you away from any sort of immersion you would expect from a game of this premise.

So please, move to another game engine. ANY other game engine! I would dearly love to play this game, but as it is, it's unplayable.


Draeconis! Bro! I've got one shoved up my ass, could you pull it out slowly so I don't relapse? Thanks bro :D! Yeah sure, DayZ's already been ported over! Yeeesss, networking's all done :D! Yes we've made sure that the networking can actually handle the game! Of course I've ironed out all of the game stopping bugs!! Yeeess, the game can support up to 64 people plus countless active NPC's! Oh yeh dude, it wasn't actually that expensive, only a couple of hundred thousand for it, but fuck it, I'm MADE of money :D

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