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Different server hives, but not possible to differ between them?

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Hey guys, 


I am just playing with my friend, and every time we join another server, we play another char, sometimes we get back to our old char, sometimes not. I guess there are some how different server hives, but they have no obvious attributes to differ them from other servers (of course we always chose the same public and 1st/3rd person stuff servers).


Someone similar problems or better, solutions, explanations how to differ those servers from each other?



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you have one toon on 1person server public

one on 1/3 person publlic

and on every private shard the same  

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Make sure to stick to One server provider (ie villager, gameserver, or how ever they are spelled).  Each server provider may or may NOT wipe the old character, even if it's the same type (1st person, 1st/3rd person). You should stay in the official servers that have all the info in their title, and stay away from the personalized title ones, at least until you know which ones you can travel to with out a wipe.

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