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Big Dog Community overpochins

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Big Dogs Gaming Community




We have a brand new and fresh Overpochins server.


High FPS, Paris based server.


WAI missions

Snap building

High Loot

Veteran difficulty

Auto refuel and repair

Single Currency 3.0


[Added] Right click machete to cut grass

[Added] New right click craftables









More coming soon...

[Removed] Name plate option on log in

[Removed] Items causing FPS drops

[Added] Increased amount of zombies per local player

[Added] Snap Building pro

[Added] Players may now use a blood bag by right clicking on it - Removed scroll wheel

[Changed] 2 hour day time 1 hour night

[Added] Night lighhing to towns

[Added] Rare chance of extreme weathers such as hurricanes

[Added] Power generators to towns - Affects towns lights if shot

[Fixed] Increased build limmit

[Added] Elevators to building

Total amount of

vehicles on server now reduced


Please note there will be a major AI and server update very soon

As its a brand new server we will be adding more as we go.




Website: http://bigdogscommunity.co.uk/index.php


We also run Arma3 Wasteland, Insurgency and CSGO


Please come and check out our multi-gaming community, all are welcome.




Edited by Bearbuggerton

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[Fixed] Improved Tow system
[Removed] Lift system
[Added] Sports cars to tow
[Added] Rafts to tow
[Removed] Snow - xmas is over get over it tongue.gif
[Added] Origins vehicles to tow
[Added] Right click binocular local view distance changer : views 250 - 500 - 750 - 1000 - 1250 - 1500 - 1750
[Fixed] Elevators now work properly
[Added] Random coin drops on AI the harder the AI more coins drop
[Fixed] Duping issues
[Added] Players may now paint vehicles cost coins - may also be painted in mulitiple colours
[Fixed] Issue with snap building fixed
[Fixed] Players will no longer lose loot if they log out in a safe zone
[Fixed] Players may now maintain base with coins not gold bars
[Added] 2nd AI heli patrol (Hero)
[Added] Bandit map markers
[Added] Hero map markers
[Changed] 1st heli patrol to bandit
[Fixed] Selling gun exploit
[Fixed] Back back dupe issue
[Added] Checkpoint AI are now random in skill every restart
[Fixed] Issue where people was not always able to invite / join group
[Fixed] Armed vehicles can no longer harm people in safe zones
[Added] Right click Zombie guts to walk with the dead
[Added] Right click water bottle to wash guts off
[Added] Zombie guts cause infection the forces 1 blood loss every 3 seconds - effect ends after guts washed off
[Added] Rain and other water sources removed guts
[Added] Shotting while wearing guts will cause zombies to notice you
[Fixed] Origins boxes now store more items
[Added] Players may now maintain bases with coins
[Added] Website details to Map
[Added] TS details to Map
[Fixed] Issue with picking up cetain items causing server kick
[Added] Players may now smelt coins from any source of fire
[Changed] Nights are now colder
[Fixed] Removed files causing certain actions to run slow
[Added] BDC details to debug and escape menu
[Added] Server welcome credits
[Added] Press J to open a journal that shows your in-game stats
[Added] Tame dogs - Feedback needed
[Added] Press H to open help dialog


Overpochins 2.6 - AI Build 1

[Fixed] Server messages displaying out dated info
[Fixed] Moved help menu from H to insert
[Added] Script help / information to the help menu
[Changed] Re named checkpoint  Camp / [H] Camp
[Added] Colour coding for static AI
[Added] Bandit boat patrols
[Added] More Checkpoints [bandit]
[Added] Humvee patrol [bandit]

Edited by Bearbuggerton

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this is my favorite server. admins are not acting like "12yr´s old". they helping very fast and solving every problem. they really know they game.

and the game? they say u need balls to join and u really do need balls ;-) but its also a lot of fun here. spontanious events , planned events, hard missions, helpfull players,

great basebuilding. i think this server contains most of the best scipts at one place. and they not finished yet. if u not join, u´ll miss something. thats for shure.

to play on this server is never boring, even if u are alone^^

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