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OVERPOCH ORIGINS TAVIANA DAYZ - One of the Best servers out there.

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                      [PMG] Overpoch Origins Taviana


Hello Survivors,

Post Mortem Gaming is a brand new community with an Overpoch Origins Taviana server looking for more players.
The server has just launched with the added scripts listed below. We're constantly looking for ways to improve the
server, especially in the first few months that it runs. The DayZ mods that we run adds things like basebuilding (epoch),
alot of new weapons (overwatch) and great apocalyptic map edits to the Taviana map, vehicles & housing (origins). 

How to install:

  1. On DayZ Commander, download the mods: Epoch, Overwatch & Origins
  2. In the settings on DayZcommander, put this line into the launch parameter box: -mod=@DayzOverwatch;@DayzOrigins;@Dayz_Epoch
  3. All done! Now simply double click on the servername ([PMG] Overpoch Origins Taviana) in DayZcommander or DayZLauncher and play!




Scripts:                                                          Server:

  • Snap Building                                          The server is made by experienced DayZ players. We have many plans to add to the server in the future.
  • Self bloodbag                                         We enjoy the risk of DayZ, and resemble this on our servers. For example, the only safezones are the
  • Coin System                                            tradercities and the hero trader, trading at the rest of the traders is at risk. The coin system does not use
  • AI Missions                                               the global bank where you could just get your coins from the safety of godmode, the coins can only be stored
  • Plot Management                                   in your safes etc. All community input and suggestions are welcome, we always wish to improve the server.
  • Group Management                                 
  • Door Management
  • Plotpole4Life                           
  • Indestructable Cinder
  • Only tradercities protected
  • Customizable view distance
  • Deploy bike/mozzie/raft from toolbox       

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