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Suggestion - Developer Road Map

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I've looked all over and can't find a developer road map.

Suggestion -

Create a feature road map and prioritization that people could reference.

For example - If "Drink directly from lakes/wells" is on the road map. Duplicate posts/suggestions in the forums would be eliminated.

Keep up the good work. I just started playing recently and I am slowly making progress on the learning curve to become more efficient at gearing up.

Found it...



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I don't know why people don't like this idea. I suggested something similar a while ago which got equally few responses.


It would be supremely nice to know exactly what direction Rocket wanted to go, and also didn't want to go. This could eliminate a ton of suggestions and get it down to new ideas.

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This is a little different idea, and I like it. Reminds me of work, a LOT, but I like it.

We should have some info as to what "in-flight", we should have that thread stickied. And if such thing would exist, it would be super helpful to have that pop up before you're able to start new post ;)

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I also dont understand it. There should be a list of ideas with status in them, like:

- Spawn with weapons - STATUS: will never be implemented

- BLABLABLA - STATUS: devs are considering it

- BLABLALBAL -STATUS: will be in the game sometime soon


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