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Ambient sounds question

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Okay so, I like the ambient sounds and they're very well made, aswell as the music.

However for more "competetive" play I've personally turned the sound off to increase my ability to hear other players/zeds.

Now, I have a problem with the ambient sounds, some of them sound way too much like actually in game created sounds.

Like someone jumping over a fence/opening a gate or something similar to stepping.

So im wondering, can I turn ambient sounds off without losing out on valuable sound information?


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I'm sure theres a point with the sounds, but like I said looking to play more "competetively" I'm not interested in the scary part anymore because I'm past it. :3

Anyone actually able to answer?

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I'm having a similar issue with some of ambient noises too as there is a sequence during one in particular that sounds remarkably like the continuous walking & pausing of footsteps at a distance which gets incredibly annoying at times (and has led me to be very careless since I was just sick of hearing it). I know this 'helps' the atmosphere of the game and develops immersion but I have no problem getting immersed on my own, so much so that I often play with game sound completely off and use my own captured/produced ambient as the backdrop for the game, so hardcore I know.

I'd just like to know if it's possible to remove/modify/adjust a particular sound please? Also I'd be happy to help with any editing if you work out how this is achievable.

/can't remember my damn login so a fresh one will have to do.

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I just noticed that roughly 45 minutes ago! Dark, logged in, prone in a bush. Plotting the route I was going to take to go up north, I hear steps. I exit my map, and i'm desperately scouring the area. Trees swaying, and than steps. Than it stops. Than I hear it. Sounds like it is directly in front of me! I literally sat their for ~10 minutes, before I said F it, and took off running thinking I was going to get shot in the back.

Good to know I wasn't just losing my mind :P

-P.S I'm pretty sure you cannot edit/change the ambient sounds, as it was meant to be part of the game. Just like most games now made it so you are completely unable to touch ambient noises, or it would be considered a cheat and give you a huge advantage over another player. Somewhat sucks but at the same time I like it that way. It may seem loud and all, but hell go stand in a forest on a windy day and it sounds the same. :)

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