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Playing with friends

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I am not new to DayZ and myself and friends have been struggling with this since the beginning. I am wondering if there is an unspoken method of spawning near friends, even if that means respawning together and losing all gear, or if this notion is being actively developed/on a road map.


I typically play in a group of 3, and when we are finally able to make time to play together, step 1 is always hiking to find each other which sucks up a lot of the play time and is terribly boring compared to playing as a team. I'm sure you've all been there.


I think compromising a bit of the 'realism' of being stranded would be well worth the gain of fun by being with friends immediately. Besides, if it's supposed to be realistic to how I would think/behave in a zombie apocalypse, I would likely be with friends by the time I end up with nothing but a flashlight on a beach, and an option in the game should compliment that, as well as me being organized with friends in real-life to play together.


I am loving all the changes and improvements, but honestly if I could get to where friends are faster, I could overlook a lot of the content the developers seem to be most keen on adding.


My two cents.

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