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CCCP clan respawning after killed

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What happened.

So I was guarding flipped V3S truck under bridge near Solnichenay factory.

Then I hear vehicle noise and some more shooting.

There were somebody with Ural truck and they shoot some other survivors.

I investigate it and notice Ural truck with some dead bodies near. I then observe and shoot 2 men when they try to board it 3th get to vehicle and run.

QAfter I killed first I get info that he CCCP member was killed by friendly fire by me.

After 2nd kill I get murder. Also notice that some other CCCP member was killed by other CCCP member.

I loot the bodies and notice that they have identical gear.

M4 silenced GPS ranger finder NVG Coyote military backpack(and inside AS50 and medical supplies). ALL THE SAME FOR the bodies I check.

I mean what is the chance?

Then I get killed by some champs with a pistol. Happen.

My mate was on the way and then he localize the Ural truck and 3 guys near it. It was the same guys I killed.

he killed them 4 times at last getting friendly fire info and they just respawn on it.

I see at last 3 times CCCP WOLF was killed(I killed him at last once and he was dying after confirmed hits from my friend). You are no Wolf you are fucking pussy.

There were 2 others CCCP member I think we killed them like 6 times and they just keep respawning.

I mean WTF.


After they pack Ural and run like little bitches server restarted suddenly without warning.

CCCP you are a cheap pussies. You bring a bad name to a great CCCP. Change your name to a

Cowardly Chickens Clan without Pride

Just go and fuck with yourself cheap bitches.

Time: it was around 16:00(GMT+2)

Server: DayZ DE#123 TBR The Bullet Runners

Server address:

It all should be in server logs.

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Unfortunately the server logs (at least those I found so far) are pretty shabby.

But I was playing at the same time and actually thought it was a bug (The Friendly fire message including CCCP Wolf)

The restart was not done by them, it was our Server crashing due to some issues.

We could put them on "our" Banlist but iam not sure if we are allowed to. We will try to figure that out.

So thank you for reporting this issue. I hope we can get rid of those guys as they seem to abuse some bugs or keep using a hacked server to quickly travel to locations to then change the server again?

They definitely don't belong to us (TBR) and have no control over our Server.

PS: Server is down for maintenance and should come back up later today.

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Great to hear you.

Thanks for information and keep up the good work.

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[CCCP] Made In Russia, killed two of my friends at stary sobor, i sniped him, then 30 seconds later he appears again and i kill him again, then another 30 seconds he appears again...

It happened around 19:30 on LU91

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