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Jnizzel (DayZ)


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Hey everybody, I just launched my new epoch server and would love for some people to come try it out!!


Mod Epoch 1.0,5.1

Map Chernarus





-Active admins

-High frames

-Low ping

-Always online (unless down to add something only takes 10 minutes most times)

-Server restarts every 3 hours

-Custom loot

-Custom traders


Server Addons

-snap pro

-Plot pole for life

-self blood bag


-evac chopper

-no plot to build

-spawn selection and pick class

-custom missions

-custom action menu

-service points(for rearm refuel and repair)

-Safezones with god mode

-custom kill messages

-1 stage building

-master key

and much more 


	Edited  by Jnizzel


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