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I have set up a rather large clan, with one goal of killing bandits . our gorup is around 20 players atm and we are very high level , eg NVG's what not add me on skype for details on how to join(abrun4(skypename)) , our base server is NZ10 good server.

As some of you know i have taken it into account that many of you's are looking for a clan / party , My new clan / our new clan is consisting of around 15 to 20 people atm , we do have a large base that was built up over time and is on an unknown server , you must pass a few tests to prove you are friendly add me on skype and i will chat to later, PS and official thread for this clan is in the works with a kick ass Logo.

Ingame Name Anthony

Skype Name = abrun4

good luck and please never try and fix a boat 14 speeds what is this a camel????!?!?!?

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