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Can't spawn: hourglass bug

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Date/Time: 5/14/2012

What happened: Died. Restarted. Spawned with hourglass, and can't do anything. Can't chat. Can't exit.

Where you were: Chernarus (?)

What you were doing: Killing three zombies. Bled out on stairs.

Hope this can be fixed. LOVING this game.


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I have the same problem. I hope it gets fixed.

Ok, here's what happened to me.

I don't know if the mods had anything to do with the fix, but I sat (and sat and sat and sat and sat and sat and sat and sat and sat) for about 10-15 minutes, watching the hourglass not move. Then, all of a sudden, the "You are Dead!" screen hit me, and I was able to exit all of the way out of the game. I restarted, rejoined a server and bam, back to unconcious mode.

I tried exactly the same thing again (sitting, deadscreen, restarting) and lo and behold, I rejoined and seemed to respawn. I can't explain it, but it worked that time.

Hope it helps someone out of their predicament, as I see a lot of the "this happened to me" threads, with nobody coming back to say how they fixed it.


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Seems like the mainserver is having problem with saving. I have same hourglass thing since I logged of at hourglass last time. My friends keep spawning at the same place when joining different servers even though they have made progress.

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Seems like the mainserver is having problem with saving. I have same hourglass thing since I logged of at hourglass last time. My friends keep spawning at the same place when joining different servers even though they have made progress.

There's actually an idea I had last night. I was able to see what was going on around my body (albeit, upside-frickin-down!) and I noticed three or four survivors being chased by zeds. I immediately thought, "OH! Maybe they'll loot my body, and that will do something!"

And then I thought, "No, they'd have to shoot me to 'really' kill me. Damn."

If you have friends who you can communicate your position, see if one of them might be able to put a few bullets into your non-corpse. If that works, this may be a solution for you!

Good luck.


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Confirming that this has happened to me once again, and that waiting out the long (5 minute) hourglass until I read "You Have Died" allowed me to disconnect and fixed the issue.

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This happened to me last night but I managed to escape.

I had died and spawned with the hourglass glitch so I waited for the hourglass to run out, hoping that would solve the problem. The hourglass ran out and nothing happened so I exited the game and rejoined. Same problem. The second time around I noticed that I was located halfway between cherno and elecktro so I hoped with the high traffic in the area that someone would kill me. Sure enough, 5 minutes later I was shot in the head and I dropped to the ground, but no "you are dead" screen appeared. I could look in 360 degrees laying on the ground in with both of my hands flat on the ground, it looked like the healing animation from single player when bandaging a wounded soldier laying on the ground. I could also communicate and open up my gear menu, but I could not find a way to move.

The shooter emptied his clip on me while in this position but it didn't hurt me. I used chat to say I was bugged and asked him to stick around, but he never answered or showed himself. After trying several things, I opened my gear and used a bandage on myself. That started the animation and I crouched to apply the bandage. After that I was able to move and take damage like usual.

Not sure if this is repeatable but it appears it can be fixed by being shot, then bandaging yourself if you do not die.

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if I die and respawn I spawn on the same spot where i just died before I even can see my own corpse and I spawn with 700 blood and still bleeding to die a minute later I keep respawning on the same spot with the same blood level. it´s really annoying

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if I die and respawn I spawn on the same spot where i just died before I even can see my own corpse and I spawn with 700 blood and still bleeding to die a minute later I keep respawning on the same spot with the same blood level. it´s really annoying

Sounds exactly like whats happening to me. See this thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6060

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I've had something similar. However, for me it was because I killed someone and whilst I was morphing into bandit skin my mate shot me and it seemed to screw it up somehow. I then collapsed and died. However, when I respawned back in I had the hourglass with not being able to use chat ect. I let it run down (5mins maybe) and then suddenly I got up and I wasn't a bandit anymore, I was back to me. However, the funny thing was the bandit skin had glitched through the hangar floor and was stuck in the swimming animation with only the arms and head showing through.

This meant though that over the next 2-3 times I logged back in I woke up unconcious. I had to wait for the slow arse hourglass before it let me get up. Fortunately I left it in safe locations :)

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Just had this happen. Was doing the Cherno run then I ran into an apartment and got gang raped by zombies. Bled out rather quickly.

Respawned with about 3k blood with the hourglass.

Waited it out.

Tried again.

Happened again.

I will keep trying.

I'm using and I was on servers NZ1,3,5

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Last night it happened to me too. I was in firefight, died and respawned with hourglass bleeding, i managed to bandage myself, bleeding stopped at 82 blood. I was not sure where I am, so I hit respawn or abort, cant remember.

I spawned again with hourglass, passing out. It was at version and i tried also Next after hourglass passed i tried to let zombies kill me, but i was gaining negative bloodcount (going to bellow zero) and i was able still to shoot, but not to move anymore, still not dying. Hit respawn. Spawned with hourglass, passing out. I hope it will be fixed, maybe today it would be ok, as i really like playing this mod..

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Same bug. Bad thing that new fresh character also respawns in same place with 456 blood. And soon get hourglass because of this. Can't play - help. I tried:

1. Be killed by bandit

2. Jump from the roof

3. Be killed by zombies

4. By wounded

nothing help. :(

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Was able "reproduce" this. Pressed respawn -> back to game -> game loaded straight to hourglass mode and it's going slowly down

date: 24.5.2012 22:30 gmt+3


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