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"You cannot paly/edit this mission; it is depended on downloadable content that has been deleted. dayz_epoch, etc.

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Sorry guys but I think that I tried everything, Arma shows me this message when I'm trying join to every server with DayZ Epoch Mod.


I have Arma 2 and Arma OE on Steam also Win8.1


I tried used DayZCommander and this withSIX player but they didn't work, I downloaded also a DayZMod on Steam who is working but still I have the same problem with servers.

Long time ago I was played in old DayZMod but I can't run those Epoch mod.


Please, help me :D


I'm begging you if already exist solutions for this problem paste me a link or try to explain me step after step in very easy way :D

As you see my english isn't perfect :)





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Installing Epoch is a hole lot different then installing dayzmod might be an idea to ask on the epoch forums. They will be able to better advise you.

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I read at one of forums that old DayZ Mod is not working right now and propably never will be, so if I don't wont buy Standalone DayZ this Epoch mod is the only way?

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I read at one of forums that old DayZ Mod is not working right now and propably never will be, so if I don't wont buy Standalone DayZ this Epoch mod is the only way?


No idea where you read this info but DayzMod is working fine.

Install arma2, Launch arma2 < using steam

Install arma2OA, Launch Arma2OA < using steam

Install dayzMod, Launch Dayzmod. < using steam


Really is nothing more to it


this is for DayzMod for other mods you will not too seek advice from the mod creators. On there own forums would be the best bet.


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I really do it and still have the same problem.


Trying join to any server Arma showing me "You cannot paly/edit this mission; it is depended on downloadable content that has been deleted. dayz_epoch, etc.

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Your missing content from Epoch you need to contact the Epoch forums for info on how to install. DayzMod and Epoch are two very different mods for arma2. We pretty much only handle dayzMod stuff.


You could also be trying to load the epoch mod to play dayz in the main menu in game goto expansions and disable epoch.

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