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Need Admins for epoch - Please apply

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My fellow Epoch players,


I need help administering my server and am looking to the community for help.  I just want to play with my friends IRL and need someone to run the server.  We do all the coding (engineers at thrilling jobs by day), and we are just looking for someone to inhabit and run the server for the players.  In fact, I don't even know if I want to have admin access in game.  I just want to do the code, pay the server bill and run around murdering stuff.  We're in our mid-30s with kids and mortgages and don't have the time to be cool admins.  


Anyway, please send me an email at dayznoobsonly @ gmail.com or PM here. 



  1. Can you be respectful to players and treat them like human beings?  
  2. Will you not abuse your godlike powers to spawn anything in-game or slay people?  
  3. If the owners (me) ask you to do something, are you open to taking direction? We've had admins in the past who were banhammer-loving-psychos and murdered the player base.  What I'm worried about here is if I say, "Go easy on people and pay attention to #1 above,"  will you then lose your $hit?  

Many thanks for reading this and to the dev for making such a fantastic mod (even though it's only alpha!!!).  


Server info: 




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Would it not be better to post about your epoch server on the epoch forums any players playing epoch will visit those forums.

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