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Why more zombies is just what this mod needs

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Come the second world war, long time rivals Britain and France were united together under one cause: defeating the Germans. This extended to friendly ties with the Soviets as well. Despite being weary of Stalin's dictatorial regime, the allied powers recognised the importance of having the Soviets on-side for the war effort. Churchill himself commented that he'd even give the devil a favourable reference in the house of commons if Hitler ever invaded hell. Stalin wasn't quite the devil, but arguably came close.

The point i'm trying to make here is simple: The enemy of my enemy is my friend. The current state of in-game affairs is largely the result of a lack of things to do in-game. The zombie threat is barely a threat at all. Once the zombie mechanics are understood, the zombies almost cease to be a real danger to any experienced player. When people get bored of the zombies they begin to turn on each other. I'll admit that even i have partaken in a bit of banditry for simply a lack of anything better to do.

One simple mechanic will address some of the problems: a greater external threat. We need better zombies. Not only more, but also stronger zombies that are much deadlier. The military spawns especially need to be zombie hot spots. High end loot should be inaccessible except to large groups of well armed players working together. This simple mechanic FORCES people to work together. It encourages teamwork and discourages solo play. It doesn't exclude banditry altogether - that will always exist in one form or another and is a necessary part of the game. However the greatest rewards should come about as a result of working together. The current high level of zombies still isn't enough. Last night i was able to solo my way onto the NW airfield and loot the place dry. It just meant being sneakier than usual. This shouldn't be the case.

I believe the game should get more dangerous the further the player travels inland. The larger coastal cities should exist as low-threat player havens where players can band together, forage for supplies and then trek inland. This helps to build on the social RPG element too. Engaging players inside the 'safe zones' should result in instant death (easily scripted).

Another game idea is that of zombie 'bosses'. These could be super-tough, super-dangerous zombies that drop decent loot. The 'infection' could perhaps lead to mutations that result extremely deadly creatures that exist in the north only? Understand that i DON'T want to turn this into a zombie version of WOW, but there are elements of those games that work extremely well and can be utilised here.

Players need to have a good reason to band together. Currently, the only good reason is to keep safe from bandits - but this really does get old after a while and is a bit of a damper on immersion. This mod is in danger of becoming a PVP free-for-all, and that would really suck. If i want PVP there are a ton of other games to play. This game has something really unique but isn't capitalising on it as much as it should be.

So, to summarise:

Zombie numbers need increasing

Zombies need to be made more dangerous

Zombie mutants further north

Zombie 'bosses' with decent loot

Safe zone towns on the southern coast

The result? More teamwork and cooperation, and less banditry.

Your thoughts?

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If you say "more zombies" one more time, i'll rape you in the belly button.

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Come the second world war' date=' long time rivals Britain and France were united together under one cause: defeating the Germans. This extended to friendly ties with the Soviets as well. Despite being weary of Stalin's dictatorial regime, the allied powers recognised the importance of having the Soviets on-side for the war effort. Churchill himself commented that he'd even give the devil a favourable reference in the house of commons if Hitler ever invaded hell. Stalin wasn't quite the devil, but arguably came close.

The point i'm trying to make here is simple: The enemy of my enemy is my friend. The current state of in-game affairs is largely the result of a lack of things to do in-game. The zombie threat is barely a threat at all. Once the zombie mechanics are understood, the zombies almost cease to be a real danger to any experienced player. When people get bored of the zombies they begin to turn on each other. I'll admit that even i have partaken in a bit of banditry for simply a lack of anything better to do.

One simple mechanic will address some of the problems: a greater external threat. We need better zombies. Not only more, but also stronger zombies that are much deadlier. The military spawns especially need to be zombie hot spots. High end loot should be inaccessible except to large groups of well armed players working together. This simple mechanic FORCES people to work together. It encourages teamwork and discourages solo play. It doesn't exclude banditry altogether - that will always exist in one form or another and is a necessary part of the game. However the greatest rewards should come about as a result of working together. The current high level of zombies still isn't enough. Last night i was able to solo my way onto the NW airfield and loot the place dry. It just meant being sneakier than usual. This shouldn't be the case.

I believe the game should get more dangerous the further the player travels inland. The larger coastal cities should exist as low-threat player havens where players can band together, forage for supplies and then trek inland. This helps to build on the social RPG element too. Engaging players inside the 'safe zones' should result in instant death (easily scripted).

Another game idea is that of zombie 'bosses'. These could be super-tough, super-dangerous zombies that drop decent loot. The 'infection' could perhaps lead to mutations that result extremely deadly creatures that exist in the north only? Understand that i DON'T want to turn this into a zombie version of WOW, but there are elements of those games that work extremely well and can be utilised here.

Players need to have a good reason to band together. Currently, the only good reason is to keep safe from bandits - but this really does get old after a while and is a bit of a damper on immersion. This mod is in danger of becoming a PVP free-for-all, and that would really suck. If i want PVP there are a ton of other games to play. This game has something really unique but isn't capitalising on it as much as it should be.

So, to summarise:

Zombie numbers need increasing

Zombies need to be made more dangerous

Zombie mutants further north

Zombie 'bosses' with decent loot

Safe zone towns on the southern coast

The result? More teamwork and cooperation, and less banditry.

Your thoughts?


Just read and I agree, I believe they just fixed that with this patch though :D

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I like the idea of tougher zombies, maybe some type of swat/zombies with body armor that may be tougher to kill since you need to aim higher or maybe anywhere but the chest? Just throwing it up out there.

But honestly I'd like bugs to be fixed before features :V

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Let the current zombie numbers roll about for a bit and see how the community responds. In 1.5.7 (current vers.) two of my friends have been mauled to death by zombies for the first time; zombies definitely are becoming a threat.

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