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fps problem

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I play Dayz with the graphics settings normal. The game runs at 20 max 30 fps, but should also turn over 60 fps with the hardware that I.


my hardware components are:
ram: Fury Blue Series HyperX Memory RAM, 8 GB, 1600 MHz, DDR3,
Video Card: SAPPHIRE TECHNOLOGY R9 290x Tri-X - 4 GB GDDR5 - PCI-Express
Processor: AMD FX -8320 Eight-Core Processor 3.50GHz
HDD: Western Digital Caviar WD10EZEX BLUE HardDisk SATA 1TB, 64MB Cache, OEM version for supplements
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3P Motherboard SoAM3 +, 970, ATX
Power Supply: Coolermaster GM Series Electric Power, 750W
Help me !!
(sorry for my bad English)

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Hello and welcome to DayZ forum. Please use the search function first before you start a new topic. There are plenty of those for the same thing that your writing about here. Anyways. DayZ in its current state is not optimized so therefor, no matter what system you have, you will get bad fps. They are working on a new renderer or what you want to call it, and that will hopefully fix this a little bit. There are though some things you can do right know that maybe will give you some what better fps. A very good video you can follow I this one: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U-qwJyvUnHY

Enjoy your DayZ :)

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