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Change up item spawn locations.

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This is a two-part suggestion regarding the locations where certain items should be able to spawn, and the rarity of these. I will make try to make it brief.

1) The current state of this mod allows a player go to a deer stand and collect hand grenades, .50 Cal ammo, assault rifles ect. On the other hand, there is no chance to stumble upon a rangefinder in said stand, even though it would make alot more sense. Likewise you can find Army clothing in civilian homes but not in 'Military' buildings. This is two of many examples of the unbalanced loot system as I see it at the moment. It would be nice if it the item locations would be redone in a future build.

2) I suggest that High end equipment, be it weapons or other forms of gear, would be alot harder to come by. I have, during the last few days, found 9 crash sites for a total of 12 FAL's, the so called 'rarest weapon in the game'. Experiences like this paired with the fact that alot of players could care less if they die, as they can easily get geared up again makes for a valid reason to re-do the spawn probabilities of certain items(if not all). Make the game about surviving, about cherishing every item you find to aid you in doing so, and make high end items feel special, instead of "Oh sweet, an AS50! Oh wait, already got one of those"


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I think the issue in regards to crashed helis is the spawns aren't totally random. They seem to be close to the same towns and tend to spawn in twos fairly close to each other. Members of the community are already listing locations of these spots. This really needs to be addressed and these spawns need to be made a lot more spread out over the whole map.

In regards to Deer stands I had the suggestion of perhaps having them also spawn at random points on server restarts. This would prevent server hoping and farming on these locations and also add an element of randomness when stumbling into them as they would have zeds spawning around them too.

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I can only agree. It needs to be much more random and much more rare. But the items should match the location you find them in as well. Hunting rifle, rangefinder at Deerstands ect. Camo clothing/Ghillie at Barracks/hangars.

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