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A very un-bandit like experience.

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So I was playing the other day after having recently respawned just east of Cherno. It was around 11 pm and I had just entered the city and was making my way toward the city centre to try and arm myself before heading in land away from the PVP haven that is Chernogorsk. As I round the corner and spot the statue in the centre of town, I drop to my stomach at the sight of two players armed with assault rifles all ghillied up.


Unarmed and in desperate need of a way out of the city to my friends waiting in the north, I decided to contact the other players.

"Friendly!" I called, stepping out from my hiding spot and saluting. Right away the bandits brought their guns to their shoulders and I just waited to be sent back to the shoreline.

"Armed?" one asked.

"Nope. Got nothing. I've got allies waiting for me up near Vyshnoye."

Suddenly, two zombies came tearing around the corner at me. The bandits downed them quickly and one threw a flare into the centre of town, bathing the square in a sickly red. The other approached me, crouched for a minute and then spoke.

"I gave you a weapon. We don't usually do this but we feel like a fight. Run, we'll hold the horde. If we see you again, you better use that pistol."

I thanked them both and sprinted away as the sound of gunfire rang out through the streets. About 15 minutes later I noticed one of the bandits had died, and his friend a bare 5 minutes later. I met up with my friends and a few days later we all perished in a Zed swarm while scavenging in Zelenogorsk but I think the chivalry of those bandits in Cherno will always stick with me.

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sounds decent, i was once mugged by bandits, they kept there word and didn't shoot me, stole my shit but didn't shoot me, i just think its the immature bandits that just kill on sight :P

ps im a survivor

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That is very nice of them Bandits, I would love to meet people like that. Shame they died after!

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sounds decent' date=' i was once mugged by bandits, they kept there word and didn't shoot me, stole my shit but didn't shoot me, i just think its the immature bandits that just kill on sight :P

ps im a survivor


I somewhat agree with you. I've never been robbed, but I've read other peoples stories of being robbed/doing the robbing. Sometimes you've gotta shoot on site, it's kill or be killed right? But at the same time, I enjoy the little somewhat RP aspect to being robbed :P You got to leave with your life, just had to hand over those beans... xD

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I've done this before. I'll shoot on sight within 10m, but I recently saved a bleeding spawner from a few zeds in Elektro. Gave him a Makarov and my spare bandages.

I like to keep my karma at neutral; take a penny, leave a penny and all that.

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