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Base Defenses ( Document included )

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You are bad and your attitude proves it. Your nothing to lose attitude only shows you are at the bottom of the barrel.

Refer back to my post. ANYONE who disagrees with your ideas is "bad." Your idea is shit and you're weak. You need to think of something better than an auto turret to protect your gear. I've had a vehicle for a week without parking it off the map. Can YOU say that? I'm sorry but the technology involved to create a turret that can distinguish friend from foe is by far more advanced than anything you could currently protect with it, which makes it overpowered and out of place.

Thriving and Surviving is one in the same...

You need a vocabulary lesson. Entitled AND dumb. lol

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autocannons would be a disaster, posted at all high value places, and spawns.

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Autocannons are bullshit, whats with AI players which you have to hire for food and equip with items and ammo

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I think the OP deserve the flack he's getting simply for his inability to express his idea in a simple and concise way, redirecting people to a lengthly explication on some download site, and then blaming them for not doing so.

Nobody here is on you payroll dude, it's up to YOU to keep your audience listening, and you failed to do that.

All i see is an extremely convoluted "solution" to the server hopping issue, which you obviously are very concerned with (and that's fine). But this approach is ridiculous. Have you forgotten how many bullets it takes to kill someone in this game? That's right, one. And you want to put automatic guns that fire on anyone "trespassing" what you believe is your property.

Like we don't have enough peoples randomly firing at eachothers already.

You could have suggested camo netting, buried crates, dismantling vehicles and all kinds of passive, furtive solutions but instead, i suppose you have this dream of making a fort that everybody know about and nobody can approach, to protect "your property".

There is a reason why i personally am against things that recognise the player, it's because property rights do not exist in nature. If a player can take something, it's his as long as he has the means to keep it.

The barb wires need a reasonable way to be bypassed, and so do any defence systems. I would love trip wire grenades and the like, as long as the wire is visible to a careful player.

Edited by Lady Kyrah

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Can I still have WALLS though? even if they are reduced to rubble by a couple of shots (low HP), but walls would realy help to remove line of sight for snipers, so can more easily enjoy my base ;)

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I think rocket's solution to this whole protecting the stuff you looted is going to be the ability to build underground. build an underground garage, with some sort of steel door or something that is hard to get though. auto turrets is definitively not what this game needs. maybe one of the ways to break into bunkers like this is to tunnel in? im not sure if my suggjestion is the answer but i don't think we should jump right into auto turrets. lets see how the underground building mechanics work out in the future. Once you put something in the game it will be very hard to remove(auto turrets)

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Great idea :D Those people who believe this unrealistic need to look up youtube and search for a video called 'auto targeting sentry gun'. Some guy built it at his home. Perhaps if they made it so you had to collect the parts to create the turret that would be a bit more balanced (gyro's, laptop, software etc.). But at the end of the day Arma II isn't about balance and I don't believe this mod is either. Sometimes you're just outmatched.

The guy on youtube also made it possible so the turret ignored certain colors. Or you could simply have the turret in one area and its computer connected by a wire somewhere else so you can shut it down safely when entering or exiting a compound, camp etc.


Obviously a homebuilt turret like this has issues. It has difficulty with multiple targets (if a person is still moving although injured it might focus on them and leave everybody else alone), ammo supply (roll a car into its view to use all its ammo, animals. I am sure people can find more tricks), they would have to be maintained (power - you can't just leave server and expect it to be still running a couple of days later, breakage, damage taken during raids etc.). Then there is the obvious weakness of when people are entering or exiting their compound. Obviously they have to shut it down which would be a perfect time for a bandit raid and even if they do decide to turn the system back on it will target everybody (would add a great element to the game, having to stake out campsites so you can time a raid)


It makes it much more realisitic, if a zombie apocalypse happened you aren't going to go to all the effort of collecting this stuff only to lose it everytime you leave your campsite (logoff). You would set traps left right and centre and if you had the ability to do this you would. It creates a great sense of continuity and immersion to the game. It will also lull some groups into a fake sense of security. Maybe even making taking over a campsite/compound easier. Why not fly a helicopter directly over top and land within the compound, they would likely have all their best items easily available and then you could take the turret yourself, or parachute in while they are there, turn of the system (steathily and at night) and have your friends ready to charge the base. So many great ideas and gameplay methods just from a simple turret.

The most common argument I see is that it isn't realistic but it is more unrealistic NOT to include it in the game.

Edited by nickyhansard

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yeah i think your maybe asking a bit much for a zombie apocolypse, maybe sandbag bunkers and some kind of camoflage for them, but..

Why have generators? When you have a camp in game the whole idea is to keep it hidden, and you want guard towers and lights? This, ruins the whole concept of DayZ, though base wars isnt such a bad idea, but on this scale, no one will ever leave their bases for supplys or anything.

Turrets? Yeah I think thats ok, but make it so you have to find a LMG or something first then you can mount it on the sandbags.

I think your trying to turn Dayz into a base wars kind of game, I myself dont mind it, but not like this. If you've ever had a camp in Dayz which im guessing you have, the first thing you want to do is keep it hidden, and if you manage to do that then you wont need mounted machine guns.

As for your "scenario of use".. again, why would you force people to make a camp in the devils castle? See what i meen about keeping camps hidden? Some of your ideas are rediculous, unmanned turrets and such? No.. This game is meant to be realistic, how is someone going to manage to find a piece of top secret millitary equipment during a zombie apocolypse? And even so, how are they going to program it?

Think realistically, if your whole team is offline, then.. no one is guarding the base, and thats that. You must have been raided white a few times to come up with the idea of NPC's deffending the base while your gone.

EDIT: This is not Call of Duty, you cannot simply find an auto turret, let alone program it and such.

Edited by koze

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This game is meant to be realistic, how is someone going to manage to find a piece of top secret millitary equipment during a zombie apocolypse? And even so, how are they going to program it?

Think realistically, if your whole team is offline, then.. no one is guarding the base, and thats that. You must have been raided white a few times to come up with the idea of NPC's deffending the base while your gone.

EDIT: This is not Call of Duty, you cannot simply find an auto turret, let alone program it and such.

I am not going to argue the other points but if you watch that video on YT I said, you might change your thoughts about the hard to build part. I have all the parts (minus the gun) to build an auto turret in my room. I wouldn't be able to program it but im sure you could find somebody who could...

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