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I need a Group to join in DayZ

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Hello I'm new in this forum but not in playing dayz i currently died in a airfield. And i was wondering if i can join a group out there. I have skype its TroyDayZ

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I also just died in the airfield lmao. We should group together it's just me but I will add you on skype.

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Me and a few friends are playing in groups. If you want to join us come to our teamspeak: ts.101stdivision.net:30047

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hey man id love to play with you my skype is deidarapwns222 hit me up if you want to work together

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im down to play, tired of playing alone lol skype is onesourceparts

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My skype is keith.stewart.mason I play in GMT time and free mostly in the evenings. Looking for some people to join up with.

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I just got the game after hearing so much great things about it. i have alot free time now which i am looking forward to play the hell out of this game. Im looking to make friends on this game. My skype = Richard.Gonzalez0990 or hit me up by email rgonz0990@yahoo.com

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