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What would you trade at a trading post?

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If someone established a trading post, what would you want and what would you be willing to exchange for it?

I suspect rare (heli-spawned and supressed) ammo, vehicle repair parts and medical supplies are the only items that could feasibly establish a rate-of-exchange


civilian weapons are so plentiful nobody needs help finding them

unsuppressed AR15s and AKs are too loud for use vs Zeds and/or too weak for PvP, whilst being so common it hurts

high-end gear - the battle rifles, supressed weapons, LMGs, .50 cals, NVGs, GPSes and coyote packs - are sufficiently rare and so combat-effective that the only trades worth anyone's time are personal swaps for preffered weaponary

but everyone needs ammo [A] and medical care [+] and ocassionally vehicle repair parts [P] (acronym for tradables now A+P)

and everyone can find A+P

but not always the right A+P

eg: I went to berez hospital but was shot at and had to flee - on my way out of town I found an engine in a shed - will trade engine for a handful of bloodbags and a transfusion...

iunno, I think it would be good for my tribe to establish some kind of trading thing (UK 7 regulars hit me up) but I can't imagine a sustainable gear exchange (beyond A+P as discussed) and suspect any venture trading in all types of lootz would devolve into a philanthropic 'gunz 4 noobz'

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i would just kill you and everyone else and take all ur shit.

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You'd need say a angry Scotsman with a M107 and a couple of friends carrying high powered rifles to defend you...

Just an idea.

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I would love to do trading post with a grp of players. One person making the deal, another person hidden in the woods holding the goods to be traded. 3 snipers in various sniper postions covering the deal watching for funny business.

Think as real life, these dodgy deals happen all the time just like this.

edit...remember the erson making the deal doesnt hold the goods....

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i imagine this being "feasible" if you do it with buses. mobile trading area. set up, then take down when done and hide. use the buses as cover, and a clear marker for the "trading area."

pick the location wisely. probably in the woods AND on a coast. set up FAR away form Cherno/Electro, as fresh spawns risking nothing but an enfield will be attacking you frequently. the woods will give some protective cover for prospective arriving traders, and will give you a bit of cover from the inevitable snipers looking for luls 1km away. use the coast on your "back," so your people don't have to look in 360 degrees for hostiles. just focus on 180. can use the coast, and 2 buses to form a makeshift "triangle" of partial cover. trading area is inside the triangle?

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Trade posts will never happen - you need protected storage, indestructable walls and so forth to accomplish this in a game as DayZ.

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marking yourself as an easy place to rob

Trade posts will never happen - you need protected storage' date=' indestructable walls and so forth[/quote']

you're doing it wrong

learn from crack cocaine in the US - that's high-value shit being traded in a warzone (hoods trading drugs are over 10x more likely to be shot than soldiers in Iraq)

the stash moves around aaa,aaa or bbb,bbb or ccc,ccc on servers 1, 2 and/or 3

the trading post is divided up over an area of a kilometer or two - the barter, the caché and the pickup

the barter is a crew equipped with basic, undesirable, weapons - they are approached by those wanting to trade and they observe the payment being dropped

the caché is a tent or two and some dudes with coyote backpacks containing commonly requested items

the pickup are two seperate, minimally equipped chaps - one picks up the payment when it is dropped and runs it to the stash

the second runs the purchased item from the caché to a drop off point a block away from the barter and ensures that the buyer recieves his goods

anyone who can track down your stash, or even just the caché, deserves his rewards

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You're ovethinking it - people don't care enough for trade to risk their life on it. There is no "drug" rare enough to risk it.

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drug dealers don't get high on their own supply and they make less than minimum wage, but they do it anyway

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