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Was this person cheating?

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So, the guy dead on the floor dropped in one shot from my shotgun so its not server lag (he came in firing at me so I shot back in self defence) then this mad bitch came in swinging an axe at me. Needless to say I could NOT kill her despite hitting her several times when she followed me to the stairs and several more before I hit the record button.


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Its lag if it was a hacker or something then they would be loaded out with stuff but atleast you didnt get killed because of it.

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Its lag if it was a hacker or something then they would be loaded out with stuff but atleast you didnt get killed because of it.

But then it was only this person lagging. The guy who came in went down in one shot. I shot a zombie out in the hallway between the "running away like a little girl" and the "coming back to kill the bitch" moments and it went down in one shot. My brother was killed in one shot yet this bitch was able to take dozens of shots and live.

Wasted so much ammo and the only decent loot she had was an M26 frag grenade :(

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Yeah probably bugged. I've put like 50 rounds into people with the m249 before they finally died.

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Oh well. Chalked up another "bandit kill" and looted an AKM off the guy at the door. Lets hope things like this are fixed in future patches as, afterall, its still an alpha :)

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