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.51 Someone pls fill me in

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Hey guys, I stopped playing for about 3 to 4 months. Just coming back and truthfully I'm not sure what client I played last doesn't matter really. I've played probably about a good 40 hours the last week, read up on as much as I could and I know most of the new things that were implemented. Now there's a few lil things which I just can't find solid answers for and was hoping this great cough cough community can help.

1. Which items are persistent ? Can I leave something on the ground and come back for it later? I do know there's a main reset every Wednesday.

2. This tent business, I've found a couple of officers tents, I saw some pictures of a small blue tent and was wondering if it's still obtainable?

3. How long do bodies stay on the ground these days?

Thanks guys for right now that's all but I'm sure something will come up once we get going

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Blue tent is available. Have one set up right now.But be careful. Tents seem a little hit and miss at the moment. I have had no issues but have heard that others have. 

Seems if you leave a fuel (Jerry) can on the ground it will disappear on server restart. Backpacks and weapons (persistent) will not. 


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Thanks guys, so if I leave a backpack on the ground, will everything in it also stay?


Yes, but beware that persistence is very screwy right now. Server resets will almost surely make your tent disappear.

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Thanks guys, so if I leave a backpack on the ground, will everything in it also stay?

Your bacpack will be there just find a stable persistant server. I had a backpack and a weapon on the floor and day before weekly maintenance server went down for half a day and deleted everything.

Make sure to pack things before maintenance :)

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Everything on the ground is wiped during Wednesday maintenance. That includes tents and everything in them. You have to pick up your tent (it has to be empty) for it to be saved during Wednesday maintenance server wipes.

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Nice , thanks guys, hey I had a problem with my tent where I dropped something past the part that I could see, than I couldn't scroll down, any tips around this glitch?

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