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Unable to launch game: Command Prompt popup

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Having some difficulty actually starting the game with the addon enabled. All of this is taking place with the steam version. Basically, after following the installation instructions on the site, I attempted to launch ARMA 2: CO via steam library. The result is that command prompt popped up for roughly half a second before disappearing. Finally managed to get a somewhat clear screen shot of the prompt before it disappeared with the only noteworthy statement being "ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value."

For completeness sake, I also tried launching ARMA 2: OA. I was unable to do so as well. A series of checkboxes popped up instead, with the last 2 remaining unfulfilled, and an error message of "Addon 'dayz_code' requires addon 'CABuildingParts'. That being said, I can bypass this error message and still enter the game, just not join any multiplayer games.

At this point I'm just at my wit's end. I've tried reinstalling everything repeatedly to the same result, and have yet to find a similar case in any of the forums I've visited. Any advice on what I might do would be appreciated.

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You can ignore CABuildingParts popup.

When you try to join any multiplayer games, what's happening ? Any error messages ?

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You can ignore CABuildingParts popup.

When you try to join any multiplayer games' date=' what's happening ? Any error messages ?


Thanks for the response,

The CABuildingParts popup is only for the OA portion, so I'm fairly certain it's not the issue. However, when I do bypass the error message and attempt to join the multplayer services, I get error messages about lacking the correct DLC.

Edit: Did some more digging into the forums. Found one post stating that I needed to actually run the game on steam before actually attempting to download the mod. Going to give that a shot, will post results soon.

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i have the same problem. a command script with the error.. but i even get it even if i don't have the mod installed, so i don't think the problem is with the mod, but with combined opperations itself. any thought's? did you find out?

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Same problem when i try to launch combined operations, but arma 2 and arrowhead work fine if i launch them on their own, I've removed any of the mod files etc and it's still happening so it's obviously a problem with the game

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To fix this issue run your steam as Administrator. Exit your steam, right click the steam icon and select 'Run as Administrator.' And to have it permanent ran as Administrator, simply right click your steam.exe, then go to properties and check it at compatibles.

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To fix this issue run your steam as Administrator. Exit your steam' date=' right click the steam icon and select 'Run as Administrator.' And to have it permanent ran as Administrator, simply right click your steam.exe, then go to properties and check it at compatibles.



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