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MERGED: Power station/grid

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Absolutely not to teams. It will destroy this game. No factions' date=' just survival everyone on its own.

I dislike idea of APCs aswell. I can just imagine this becoming another Battlefield 2. APC crawling trough beaches killing new survivors.


lol roadkill galore... especially since small arms fire does nothing to armor.

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Neeevermind, I just noticed that this exact idea has already been suggested here:


Move along, nothing new to see here.


So some friends and I were discussing all the power lines and power stations that are scattered over Chernarus, when we thought of this idea:

What if you could have a large-scale, long-term player driven event to try to restore power to a city by fixing one of the power stations.


  • Users already collaborate and work together to fix various vehicles - why not buildings?
  • It would fit well into the mod's 'story', with survivors attempting to re-build society.
  • It would add a big 'wow' factor for when the power is finally switched on (if only temporarily)
  • It would add more expansive 'end game' to the mod. Right now that seems to be getting the Huey and various weapons.


  • A lot of work for the devs that could probably be better spent on other stuff.
  • Arma 2's engine might not even support swapping out models/textures on the fly, or adding dynamic lighting like this.

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Wow, that could add a pretty neat dynamic to maps.

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Wow' date=' that could add a pretty neat dynamic to maps.[/quote']

NICE FIND! It would certainly make nighttime gameplay more viable. One further suggestion. Don't make EVERY location have a working powergrid. Still keep some places 'in the dark', or even have places partially lit.


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Why not have it that you can fix the power-grid for x amount of time before repairs are required? Like the vehicles, you'd require to find stuff.

I think it'd completely kill the night time immersion you get from a pitch black city though if it was on permanently.

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Power grids take a huge number of resources and man power to keep running. In an apocalypse scenario the grids would fail fast and not come back up. I would be fine if there were just small gas generators but the main power facilities need to be down.

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A Power Grid would be quite the undertaking. But a smaller generator using fuel from a Jerry Can could power a few lights at a specific location. Just have a portable generator and some portable lights set up at the medical tents or have a backup generator that provides power to the lights at the Airstrip, etc.

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I also vote for power grid. But make them destructible. And repairable :)

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How about area's have failing power? so certain cities have lights that flicker on and off every now and then for mintues at a time? (With lots of sparks, buzzing, etc) It would certainly be simpler to set up.

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I think just having some repairable genny's (using jerry cans for power) would be interesting.

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Nighttime sucks and they need to lighten it up. Sucks even more for people like me who cant really play during the daytime...... +1 on this idea.

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Power grids would be a great addition, and localized gens even more so. However, the issue here is that there are simply not enough enter able buildings to make generators in houses that worthwhile, so I guess each town should have a specific power location.

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This would be so sexy. Would be awesome if someone suddenly kills the power and a whole area goes dark :3


a good mechanic can bring lot more fun in this, you repair a generator and you protect it, people see the light from far etc, would be cool !

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Rocket has already said a while back that this will be in the game, and that you'll be able to turn petrol pumps on and off.

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I mean, it's an awesome feature, but I'm not sure it fits with the mod. I thought in this post-apocalyptic state, there wasn't any power on purpose.

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actually....the cons are pretty nonexistent because the code is pretty much drag and drop. Ive dropped it into a couple different things in the past and it works like a charm

the engine handles the lighting just fine...well....arma fine anyhow

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And as you are crawling in the darkness in the middle of Chernogorsk, some bright mind decided to bring fuel to the power station...


I like that idea but only if it can't be maintained on 24/7 and if it's easy enough to sabotage.

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Imho generators at safe house - is a must. and ability to repair power grid - only parts of it, maybe (makeshift fuse`s or something, replacing ragged wire, wire smaller sections, which eventually will overheat and burn) tied to real time - good for me.

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