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Hello survivors.


I am looking for a PSO-1 scope for the AK weaponry, saddly, i am searching for them quite a while, didn't stumbled on those for a long time. Are those scopes removed from the spawn list?

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DayZ rule number 2 ( after #1: Don't get attatched to your gear ): You will not find what you are looking for. Protip (lol): Throw away the AK and run until you forgot where you dropped it. PSO-Scopes will start to spawn all over the place. :)


Seriously, i once lost my pants due to the serverside drop bug, and all i wanted was some pants, even jeans. Did not find any. But an MP5K. Yeah, unicorn items pop up when you are in need for basic gear. The game is reading our minds....

Edited by ChainReactor
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DayZ rule number 2 ( after #1: Don't get attatched to your gear ): You will not find what you are looking for. Protip (lol): Throw away the AK and run until you forgot where you dropped it. PSO-Scopes will start to spawn all over the place. :)


Seriously, i once lost my pants due to the serverside drop bug, and all i wanted was some pants, even jeans. Did not find any. But an MP5K. Yeah, unicorn items pop up when you are in need for basic gear. The game is reading our minds....


Agreed the mod had that ability aswell....


Need an AS50 mag......none anywhere...die and loose rifle....1st crash site...mags...no rifle lol

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I have spent the past week searching for SINGLE AK.... NOTHING! I have found two M4's, 135 rounds for em, 2 V3's alongisde plenty of fuel cans.... Oh not to mention the 75 drum mag, and 3 ak101 mags, 2/3 were full......I think i'm cursed....


All I want is to play with any of those goddamn ak's :(

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I have spent the past week searching for SINGLE AK.... NOTHING! I have found two M4's, 135 rounds for em, 2 V3's alongisde plenty of fuel cans.... Oh not to mention the 75 drum mag, and 3 ak101 mags, 2/3 were full......I think i'm cursed....


All I want is to play with any of those goddamn ak's :(


Ill give you my ak 101 for one of those m4s! lol

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Ill give you my ak 101 for one of those m4s! lol


Ahaha my buddy made me give him one (odd relationship ik), and the other clipped through the floor of a jailhouse :D 

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I probably would aswell if I server hopped.

If by server hop you mean join a server and play there for the duration of my game then yes you're correct. So happens that I loot military installations and nothing else. I see them all the time. What I don't see are drums for the ak and pristine hardware. Seems like a trend in this game is you find a ton of shit you don't need and the stuff you do need you never get. How often I found a fully decked out AKM or ak101 but no magazines

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i think they made it more "rare" with the new loot economy, along with other things.

Edited by artisan661

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