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Starting a group!

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Im starting a group on day z to help people survive and do better at the game. we currently have 3 members already and we are looking for more. We are still looking for cars so if you would like us to come to the server you play on then we will be happy to do so. If you would like to join comment below or add me on skype: kyle.martin802


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Im starting a group on day z to help people survive and do better at the game. we currently have 3 members already and we are looking for more. We are still looking for cars so if you would like us to come to the server you play on then we will be happy to do so. If you would like to join comment below or add me on skype: kyle.martin802


If you have TS i don't mind combing groups im always willing to play with new players since i think the way the game is right now really REALLY punishes brand new players.

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I would like to join you because i have alot of trouble running into other players really really being to annoy me :P i do have a mic even tho i rather don't like to talk that much, also my mic makes me sound about 4 :P

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wouldn't mind joining in aswell been playing with the brother for about a week know but he brings me bad luck

i have Skype, TS and just downloaded mumble

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If you are looking for friends, and people to play with in the north America, you might consider my group. Feel free to join and invite anyone you trust and think would make a good addition to the clan.

Dayz Froggers; http://steamcommunity.com/groups/DayzFroggers

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OK guys we got a 6 seat car going now we play on US 52 add me on skype if your interested

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