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Gutting animals sometimes produces more meat.

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Date/Time: 5/13/2012. Sometime between 7-10 pm EST.

What happened: Friends and I were gutting an animal at the same time (once accidentally, and another time later to confirm bug). It ended up producing sets of meat for each person gutting. (2 people gutting a cow produced 10 meat. 3 people gutting produces 15)

Where you were: In a random field. Not sure where, exactly.

What you were doing: Gutting a cow.

*Current installed version: 1.5.7

*Server(s) you were on: NY4

*Your system specs: N/A

*Timeline of events before/after error:

Shoot the cow.

Approach cow.

Gut cow at same time.

Examine corpse gear.

Gasping at the mass amounts of meat.

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No why would you spill the beans on this bug! haha. Yes, I can confirm this also, I actually did this with 5 people on a cow...Yeap 40 pieces of meat. Something to fix for sure, but shouldn't be a high priority than other bugs.

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I can confirm this as well. The raw meat is duplicated if multiple people simultaneously gut the animal.

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