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Knocked Out to Death

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Several times now in the last 2 days. I aggro a Zombie, either intentionally or accidentally, I don't think that matters. I'm at full blood (10k-12k) and the first time a Zombie hits me I get knocked out. Then that one single Zombie proceeds to eat me from full blood level to death whilst I'm laying down unconscious completely unable to do anything.

Now, is this an intended mechanic? If it is then I believe it needs to be changed. Getting knocked out should only be something that happens at a much lower blood level, <50% for example.

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out of logic i would tell you don't let the Z hit you with a charged attack. pull him to a tree dance around until he stands for a second, go in for the axe chop. profit.

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Intended mechanic is intended.

Mod based on a military simulator, groups are needed to be the best. Loners get killed, don't help with the objective.

In DayZ (this mod) if you travel alone, you tend to get overpowered by, and eaten by, the infected. Pushes you into travelling with a team. You can go solo, but things like this will happen. As well as getting 1-shot by snipers (no revenge for you cause you alone) and blood transfusions being useless to you (can't poke yourself).

Imagine an adrenaline filled meth+speed junkie punching you in the jaw, then proceeding to beat your butt down while eating you. You might just need help to get him off you. We aren't all chuck norris.

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I suppose you're right. I think I'm being a little too careless around them.


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Lure zombies into buildings...this proves to be super effective. Keep your health above 10k so that you don't get insta-knocked out.

The biggest problem I see is when you get too cocky. Even with great weapons.

Take every threat as it is.

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9000 is the number under which you can get knocked out. Notice how none of the geniuses above me posted that...

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